Teller Report

Anniversary of Independence of Lebanon .. Aoun justifies the delay in forming a government and calls for fighting corruption

11/21/2019, 7:58:57 PM

Lebanese President Michel Aoun said that the "contradictions" have forced the formation of the next government, and acknowledged the difficulty of fighting corruption on his country, calling on demonstrators to resort to dialogue and avoid hatred. This comes in conjunction with demonstrations and sit-ins in several cities.

In a speech on Thursday evening to mark the anniversary of independence to be held tomorrow, Aoun stressed that "Lebanon is waiting for a new government on which hopes were to be born and started its work," adding that "the contradictions that govern Lebanese policy have forced deliberation to avoid the most dangerous."

Aoun stressed the need to reach a government that meets the aspirations of the Lebanese, and is very effective, because the challenges ahead are huge.

He pointed out that his country has faced since its independence 76 years ago harsh stages, and its independence is at risk, pointing out that "independence is a free and independent national decision is not subject to any form of guardianship."

Aoun also talked about deals and compromises that are prepared for the region and threaten the independence, existence and existence of states, considering that the independence of Lebanon does not mean antagonism with any state.

Students sit in front of the Ministry of Education headquarters in Beirut (European)

Sectarianism and corruption
Aoun called on the Lebanese to be the next year of actual economic independence, by changing the rentier economic pattern to a productive economy and start drilling the first oil well in the sea, and the adoption of the law of the sovereign fund, which will manage its revenues.

He also called for freedom from sectarian and sectarian conflicts, the establishment of a civil state, and assistance in the "battle against corruption", describing it as "a cruel battle, and even one of the toughest battles."

The Lebanese president said that the demonstrations that have been going on for 36 days have broken some of the previous taboos and pushed the judiciary to move, but appealed to the demonstrators to resort to dialogue as the right way to resolve crises, and warned them not to tolerate hate speech and incitement.

For its part, announced the Directorate General of Protocol and Public Relations in the Presidency that "given the current situation in the country, the traditional reception will not be held at the annual presidential palace in Baabda on the occasion of Independence Day."

Earlier in the day, Aoun received a telegram from US President Donald Trump in which he asserted his country's readiness to work with a new Lebanese government that responds to the aspirations of the Lebanese. Aoun also met with the French ambassador, who briefed him on the results of a meeting yesterday that brought together representatives of France, the United States and Britain, which resulted in the emphasis on supporting Lebanon's stability and the return of constitutional institutions to work.

This comes while demonstrations and sit-ins continue in Beirut and the cities of Tripoli, Sidon, Halba, Koura and Rachaya, especially by students of schools and universities, and some resulted in the closure of government institutions and the cutting of roads.