Teller Report

After the lies - now Linnéa Claeson replies: "I have no excuses whatsoever"

11/21/2019, 8:16:57 PM

Linnéa Claeson became famous for telling us about the storm of sex harassment she has faced over the years, both on the town and in social media. But her claims have been questioned on an ever-larger scale, and many have argued that the harassment that made Claeson nationally known must have been completely invented. After a period of silence, Linnéa Claeson has now answered the charges.

"In recent times I have received criticism .."

This is how the debate article begins as the recently debated debater, activist and Instagram personality Linnéa Claeson written in the Gothenburg Post (GP).

The criticism against Claeson, which has gathered power after a number of texts in, among others, GP, Expressen and DN, is based on the fact that she has built her brand on exaggeration and lying.

Started with "Assholesonline"

The story of Linnéa Claeson starts with the Instagram account "Assholesonline".

There she posted screenshots that purported to represent various messages she received from men, and her ingenious responses. The account gained more and more followers, and the person behind, Linnéa Claeson, took ever greater steps out of the influencer spotlight. She spoke in the media, wrote chronicles, and was named "Lawyer of the Year" by the readers of Dagens Juridik.

"That I edited and cut is no secret"

Meanwhile, Claeson has in various contexts told about sex harassment from different men. But the critics, including freelance writer Myra Åhbeck Öhrman and the podium Haveristerna, as well as the blog monitoring site, have argued that the harassment has been invented and that the screenshots Claeson posted on social media either must have been fabricated, or stolen from porn sites.

This is what Claeson addresses in his debate article.

"That I edited and cut into conversations for them to fit into an Instagram image is no secret," she writes.

Sometimes the order must have been changed, and parts changed to "create humorous points".

Claeson writes that she has not been clear about this, and wants to apologize.

"Everything is not messages I received"

Claeson dismisses the rest of the charges.

"From the beginning I have been open to the fact that everything that has been published on 'Assholesonline' is not messages I have received".

One notable task is that she has been harassed 20 times in three hours in the city. She denies that this is a lie, and believes that the large number of attacks is due to the fact that she has encountered full football supporters from abroad.

To conclude, Linnéa Claeson writes that since her profile has grown since she once started with the Instagram account "Assholesonline", it is right that in the future she should be required more responsibility and accuracy for what she shares.

SVT News is looking for Linnéa Claeson.