Teller Report

The Federal Tax Service announced a significant reduction in one-day firms in Russia

11/20/2019, 10:10:45 PM

The head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia Mikhail Mishustin in an interview with the newspaper Kommersant said that the number of one-day companies in the country has decreased tenfold since 2016.

“Compared to 2016, the number of such companies throughout the country decreased by 10 times, from 32% of all legal entities operating in Russia to 3.1%. As of November 1, 2019, there are about 116 thousand of such companies to which we can pose questions as potential one-day ones. There were millions, ”he said.

Mishustin explained that “one-day trips” can be calculated on several grounds: inaccurate management information, incorrect address, and instability in financial transactions.

In March, an official spokesman for the Russian Interior Ministry, Irina Volk, said that “black cash-in workers” were detained in the Rostov Region, who brought about 1 billion rubles into the shadows through 200 one-day firms.