Teller Report

Hugo Castejón, Adara and the night when GH VIP 7 became a mother

11/20/2019, 8:05:02 AM

"Who is it? / It's me / What are you looking for? / You / It's too late / Why? / Because now it's me who wants to be without you ..." Let's sing together. How recurred is the song

  • Reality.Adara and the greatest vileness of GH VIP 7
  • TV.GH VIP 7 and the creepy show by Mila Ximénez
  • GH VIP 7.The great lie of GH VIP that took Jorge Javier Vázquez to the limit

"Who is it? / It's me / What are you looking for? / You / It's too late / Why? / Because now it's me who wants to be without you ..." Let's sing together. How recurred is the Pimpinela song, it is valid for a broken one, for a riot and to make visible what is happening in GH VIP 7 . Last night everything went out of mother , last night clearly saw the cruelty that people can reach , last night it became clear what the human being is capable of doing for a briefcase , last night the fall to the hells of Adara and Hugo was shown Castejón

The anger that was lived last night in GH VIP 7: Limit 48 hours was simply the chronicle of a death foretold. Hugo Castejón , the public enemy of this edition, the contestant that nobody wants, the man that everyone attacks and humiliates has remained completely alone. It is no surprise. The split issued on Sunday at the Debate of GH VIP 7 of Adara on which he was supposed to be his friend meant not only seeing Adara's two faces, the one that goes as a friend and the one that goes as a traitor, but also the schism that everything The world was waiting .

The relationship of Adara and Hugo Castejón , practically broken for days, ended up exploding last night when Jorge Javier Vázquez and reality knew where to click to shed as much blood as possible. The program showed the images of the 'exorcism' that Naomi had done to Hugo Castejón because of a fryer, the oil, not because not Hugo Castejón to clean and do what the group that has been attacking him since the first day of the program he asked and the businessman's attack on the Gipsy King for not having taken a bus alone in his life. "Out with the demons ... dry shit , " Naomi shouted as she threw water at him as if she had been possessed by Father Carran.

You tell this to someone who doesn't see GH VIP and falls dead. Mother of beautiful Love! The image of Naomi running behind Hugo Castejón , throwing the water and shrieking at them as if it were the reincarnation of Jesus Christ himself is to fall dead. Well, this is every day. As Adara said, and that is right, the anger begins when the sun rises and does not end until they fall asleep. They are constant and unbearable, but they don't all come from Hugo Castejón , I'm sorry, but no.

Adara and the biggest vileness of GH VIP 7

Hugo Castejón is not a saint nor is he as victim as he wants us to see him. Yes, he is completely isolated, they whip him, attack him, provoke him, but he does not fall short. Hugo Castejón also seeks and provokes, but being realistic if I were in a totally isolated house, without any support, humiliated to say enough for the rest of the companions and constantly attacked for anything, I would also do what Hugo does . That is, being deranged. Can you imagine that every word, every gesture, every thing you do inside a house was criticized and mercilessly attacked by a whole house? Yes, that Hugo Castejón had a clear strategy when he entered GH VIP 7 , and I talk about when he first entered, not in the playoff; yes, that his game has been to become the victim of the edition; Yes, what he looked for and ended up finding, but what the rest of the contestants have reached cannot be justified in any way.

I do not think that anyone as bad as you can fall Hugo Castejón did not feel that he was turning his stomach when last night he was completely alone and with which he believed his only support by releasing all kinds of pests through his mouth on him. It is not only that when Adara was asked why she was so quiet and she replied that because she was "up to the balls of her provocations" that the house only discussed and left Hugo Castejón at the feet of the horses declaring that 70 % of the anger caused by him, the businessman saw as the only thing he thought he had vanished. It was what Adara tried to sell during the fight, the image she wanted to be left of her friend, which she wanted to move to the viewer.

I am up to the eggs, talking in silver, that every time a man and a woman have a row, there are women who try to show that the man becomes aggressive and that it seems that he is going to attack her . At what time last night did Hugo Castejón have any gesture of this kind with Adara so that Adara would snap a "with me don't get so violent" or then repeat to Jorge Javier Vázquez again and again that Hugo Castejón scared him? Are we crazy or what?

One thing is that this girl has changed her mind, or rather strategy or directly that has shown us her true face, and another very different is that to sink the one you now consider your enemy try something as dirty as Hugo Castejón put on violent or aggressive Not in the way! Hugo Castejón has had in GH VIP 7 200,000 quarrels and nowhere has he been seen to show a bit of violence. What is mournful, of course, and what strikes where it hurts most of his opponent, too, but as others do and as she did last night.

Or is it that Adara did not become like an energetic one? Of course it is. According to her, Hugo Castejón has been trying to happen what happened last night for three days. And I don't say no. Indeed, Hugo Castejón has completely ignored her and I don't know if she is, as Adara's mother and Master Joao said , because her strategy was to separate from Adara to appear even more victim, or because since she returned to the house Adara is no longer the same. His approach to Gianmarco and Master Joao uncovered another Adara , an Adara who was no longer interested in being a friend of the public enemy, an Adara that, in addition to being manipulated by what she now considers her friends, has also been clear which way I had to continue to reach the final.

I don't care what the reason for the two was, what differentiates one from the other, is that Hugo Castejón has been like that since the minute one of GH VIP 7 . He has not changed his strategy, he has not shown any double face and the only thing he has added to his game is the fact of speaking only and communicating with the audience, obviously because he plays with advantage by having been away for several weeks and knowing what he wants. spectator, but at no time has he used the information he does have from the outside to change his cards. Keep playing with them from the beginning, while Adara has changed deck more than once. He has done it with Hugo Castejón , but he has also done it with others. So, if there is someone who is not sincere, she is.

And yes, in these two days that have passed since the GH VIP Debate on Sunday, the relationship between the two has been diminishing by leaps and bounds, but, by chance, the night of the gala arrives and Adara takes out all the artillery. Yes, I was quiet, but I was quiet because I knew that JJ was going to ask him and he knew exactly what to say and how to break all of them with Hugo Castejón at once . And it seems wonderful to me that if she believes and feels that Hugo Castejón is to blame for the situation in the house, then break her relationship, but what is not received is to cry in the corners for two days because Hugo Castejón stays away from you, cry to those who do not stop attacking him, cry to the pillows and arrive the night of the gala and release all the poison that you had saved and that if it does not happen to be for the conversation leaked on Sunday with Joao would have left the reality fans dead.

The rage with which he sold his friend was the clear sign that this was more than measured and machined. And yes, Hugo Castejón did not fall short with her and yelled at her dozens of times that she was a "traitor", a "treacherous" and a "chaquetera" , but what if that person were the only support you have? Because for Hugo Castejón, completely marginalized throughout the contest, Adara was the only support he had . By strategy, by game, by the briefcase, because he really considered her his friend, because he loves her, for whatever reason, but the only support, and for that support to release the greatest thing about you, is at least to do what Hugo did Castejón, who was getting up and going to the bathroom or kitchen trying to stop something that had already left mother completely.

"Yours is called treason, in capital letters and live," Hugo Castejón shrieked at Adara after hearing how she had sold him completely giving the same arguments as the rest of the house by ensuring that he was constantly looking for anger and What he provoked was him. The two standing, shouting Pelao , while the rest of the house enjoyed - yes, enjoyed - the show was a picture to frame. "Betrayal, yours, which is below, yours. You have been provoking me for days (...) I am a woman, stop getting like this. Are you very brave with me, with a woman? You become very brave with me. You want to leave to put me like that with Valentine, "and Adara lost all reason.

I swear that I have seen thousands of fights in GH and last night was not much less to show that Hugo Castejón became aggressive or became more cocky than usual for arguing with a woman. Hugo Castejón put on as he always gets when he has a fat anger, but since Adara's arguments were to throw them directly in the trash, the best way to leave him as the worst of the worst was to do what Adara did. When Hugo asked him what he had done wrong, that with her he has never shown an iota of disloyalty - and this is true as a temple - Adara told him that he had "here until tomorrow" arguments. Well, to have arguments from here until tomorrow, that this is a clog, the only thing that came out was a "you have been provoking me" and a "you have been neglecting me." Nobody rides the chicken that was armed last night for those two things, not even of a pussy .

Yes, Hugo Castejón has left it aside, but the two have done the same. When she was Gianmarco and Master Joao she preferred to be with them both and it was clear that the simple presence of Hugo Castejón bothered her because it was a hindrance to let her crush and the world of love bears she was living fly. At that time Hugo Castejón had all the patience in the world with her, never threw her away, never said a bad word, but when Adara ran out of Joao and without Gianmarco, when she now needed him, Hugo no longer was. And not because he didn't want to be there but because Adara was already clear about how to take the turn he was looking for in his game. And it was none other than to stop defending him, to position himself in his favor, to give his face for him. It was time to stay out of the way and when he could take off his leg to make it clear that it was no longer the Adara of before, but now it was Adari .

On the other side, Hugo Castejón is not one of those who go like lap dogs looking for compassion and understanding. If Adara did not want to be with him, he would come if he needed him , but of course the doors will not always be open. If you add that without it being necessary Adara gave her face for the others and not for him, and that staying completely only came from pearls for her strategy - I repeat, the same as always - because the bomb was already more than ready and ready to assemble . The power button pressed last night JJ.

The fight starred in the entire program and lasted all night. More than three hours without stopping to argue give much. Dan to see all the shit that was hidden under the bed and give to see what foot limps each and what is the game they want to play. All for pasta, Al Pacino would say in Casino. There were real moments of tension and very unpleasant, so unpleasant that there was a moment that I decided to change to change. "Do not yell at me, do not yell at me! Treacherous you, you. Calculator, you are a calculator. And that you take advantage of the prize, " Adara screamed again and again, while Hugo Castejón repeated without a tone or that she was a "chaquetera" "and a" traitor. "

"... That you take advantage of the prize, which is what you have done, fuck my life for three days to make this happen," Adara said at one point. Fuck his life? , for real? They prick me and I don't bleed. I am hallucinating. Well, for the one who thought that Hugo would respond like a madman from the meadow, what she thinks she is, all she told him was that she had very little shame because she had taken the opportunity to be laughing with the little friends. And the Bethlehem was armed. All against Hugo Castejón, all squealing, all recriminating him that what he wanted was to have Adara as his lapdog. And what did Alba want with Estela or with Gianmarco? And what has Mila Ximénez done with everyone since the first day at home? We see the straw in the alien eye, and we don't see the beam inside.

Jorge Javier Vázquez tried to put some order and calm down a little, but to ask anything at that moment was to add more fuel to the fire. "Adara, what do you feel for Hugo right now?" He asked. "I feel a great disappointment, incredible because I feel I do not know him ," he replied and Hugo let out a low "shame" that made her roll up brown again. "I have been disappointed with Hugo since Gianmarco left and I began to see him. I called him and he passed ... Jorge, this guy scares me. I can not believe there is such a person. I can not believe it, but what the hell is this? I have not seen such a person in my life (...) It has been very hard days. He avoids me, provokes me, tries to turn me away from him (...) The final is coming and you turn around! .

All above Hugo, it was all pearls that the only person Hugo Castejón had in the house was leaving him completely. Hugo Castejón left the room, heard Adara say he was afraid and Hugo was leaving. Fear? On his return JJ asked him how he felt and transferred everything Adara had said during his absence. Hugo Castejón tried to explain himself, difficult being the lamb among so much wolf . "I have not heard what she has said. One thing is that when a moment of the contest has arrived she prefers to be with other people, which is perfectly legitimate, but what she is saying is very serious. She has insulted me, she has insulted me called asshole this morning. The most that recriminates me is that I want to isolate myself, and it is false because being with her I saved myself with the lowest percentage. What am I going to give you aside if I have done very well? being with her? " And again the house on top.

Hugo Castejón was touched and sunk, very touched and sunk. In fact, I will say that it is the only time I have believed it. And when I say it is the only time, I mean that in the rest of his relationships with the other members of the house there have been occasions that I have seen him move like a fish in the water in the middle of the confrontation . Last night, no. Adara's betrayal last night has really hurt her. "It has been a dagger in the back. I have not done anything to her to react that way. You see the hate she has towards me suddenly. Now I am the worst person in the world when 24 hours ago I was so calm in the jacuzzi, "Hugo explained. Adara's phrase while he spoke was lethal: "I don't know how I could have a stomach for this . " I decorate myself of these people's stomachs. He does not know how he has endured it, he is afraid of it, he cannot stand it, but he wanted to make his defense statement. A crazy house, really.

Adara and Mila Ximénez last night were the saves of the nomination by the audience, Naomi, Hugo Castejón and Antonio David remain in the arena and the battle will be between Hugo Castejón and Antonio David. Two days ago I would not care if Hugo stayed or not, now I have a broken heart. I do not know if I prefer to stay and continue to endure or leave and I ended up with this game so pitiful, painful and treacherous. Yes, it is a game of coexistence and coexistence is this, but yesterday's anger made me so disgusted that I still have arcades .

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