Teller Report

Doping: Claude-Boxberger awaits sample B and "tries to understand"

11/20/2019, 8:49:45 PM

Doping: Claude-Boxberger awaits sample B and "tries to understand"

Paris (AFP)

Ophelie specialist Claude-Boxberger, a 3,000-meter steeplechase, tested positive for EPO, said Wednesday she was waiting for the results of the B sample and "trying to understand how this product could have been detected in (her) body".

The public health unit of the Paris prosecutor's office has confirmed the opening of a "preliminary investigation on October 14th of the counts of infractions to the legislation on doping and poisonous substances", following a report by the Agency Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) on 11 October.

"The People's Court since yesterday has already judged me while there is a judicial procedure in progress and an instruction to the AFLD of this positive control at the EPO," writes Ophélie Claude-Boxberger on his Facebook page.

"I asked the analysis of the sample B to know if it is confirmed and also I try to understand how this product could be found in my body," says the French athlete.

"The gendarmes are currently investigating in my entourage, especially during my internship in Font-Romeu, to have items from the only 3 people close who could have been involved," she said.

"The deadlines of justice and investigations are not those of the media so for the moment I can not say more without disrupting the process", continues Ophélie Claude-Boxberger who denounces "the journalistic pressure" being echoed some evil people who are just trying to hurt and dirty the athletes. "

The announcement of this positive test came on the eve of the convocation Wednesday before the anti-doping judges of another tricolor athlete, the marathon runner Clemence Calvin and her coach and husband Samir Dahmani, after evading an unexpected check in Morocco .

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