Teller Report

Donald Trump responds to the US ambassador to the EU: "Nothing! I don't want anything from Ukraine!"

11/20/2019, 7:04:39 PM

On a day marked by political drama, Donald Trump, he has put the surreal touch by staging in the White House a conversation he had on September 7 with Gord

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On a day marked by the political drama, Donald Trump, he has put the surreal touch by staging in the White House a conversation he had on September 7 with Gordon Sondland , the United States ambassador to the European Union, who has accused him in Congress directly to pressure Ukraine to investigate the family of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden .

Sondland referred to the dialogue in his testimony, and said that the president's attitude had not seemed credible . But Trump, in a staging that deserves a place in the annals of political science (and another in those of political communication), read it. The president did not mention that the conversation took place 49 hours before Congress opened an investigation into the complaint that the president was pressuring Ukraine.

Here is a summary transcript:

"What do you want from Ukraine?" He asks me, shouting. "What do you want from Ukraine? I can't stop hearing those ideas and theories." What do you want, what do you want? "It was a very short conversation. He says he wasn't in a good mood, I'm always in a good mood, I don't know What is he talking about? And here is my answer, are you ready? Do you have the cameras recording? "Nothing! I don't want anything, "that's what I said." I don't want anything! ", I told him twice (...) I don't want anything, I don't want anything, I don't want 'quid pro quo', tell Zelensky, at President Zelensky, do what you have to do. This is the last word of the president of the United States. I don't want anything, " Trump read from a notebook in which, as some hilarious photographers reflected, he had written the entire dialogue in capital letters . "I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING I DO NOT WANT ANYTHING I DO NOT WANT! QUID PRO QUO 'TELL ZELENSKY TO DO WHAT HE HAS TO DO, THIS IS THE LAST WORD OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA." It is customary for Trump to appear in public with notes in his hand written with huge characters, although to date he had never dedicated himself to improvising dialogues.

Trump says he is not following the hearings of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, but has delayed the departure of the presidential Air Force One to Texas. Just at the moment in which the lawyer of the Republicans of the House of Representatives, Stephen Castor , initiated the interrogation of the US ambassador to the EU, Gordon Sondland.

The relationship between Trump and Sondland is difficult to characterize. An example: on November 8 in the morning the president said of the ambassador that "he is truly a great man and a great American"; on November 8, but in the afternoon he explained that "I hardly know him". Today, November 20, during his staging of the dialogue with the ambassador, the president presented a vision of consensus with himself by stating that Sondland "seems like a nice guy ... I don't know him well ... I speak with him little ... he supported other candidates. He came [to the campaign] late. "

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Ukraine
  • U.S
  • European Union
  • Joe biden
  • Donald Trump

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