Teller Report

British writers against Brexit: "If Nigel Farage were here, I would kick him in the eggs"

11/19/2019, 6:40:44 PM

«Boris Johnson is a great literary character. Everything he says is fiction. In fact, he has been fired from two jobs for lying. «If Nigel Farage were here, he gives

  • Ken Follett. "A book is great if it succeeds in bewitching the reader"

«Boris Johnson is a great literary character. Everything he says is fiction. In fact, he has been fired from two jobs for lying. " If Nigel Farage were here, I would kick him in the eggs ." "Me too, I'd kick him with these pointed boots that I've been wearing." "I am not to believe in conspiracy theories but Farage is an old stockbroker, it is part of that small community of 50 or 100 speculators who have become millionaires with the sinking of the pound sterling that has followed Brexit ."

Lee Child, writer of black novels, winner of the 2014 RBA Award; Jojo Moyes, author of romantic novels; Kate Mosse, writer of the best seller Labyrinth ; and Ken Follett, the man from The Pillars of the Earth and everything that came later, spoke yesterday about politics as if they were in a pub . They were not. The scene of their conversation was the Fundación Telefónica de Madrid, the city they brought to The Friendship Tour after their debut in Milan.

The Friendship Tour What is that? In summary, a tour in which the four writers of the United Kingdom (three English and one Welsh) go out to meet their readers in Italy, Germany, Spain and France to express their distaste for their country's decision to leave the European Union, transmit your vision of politics in the islands and reaffirm fraternity among Europeans through culture.

First question of the appointment of the four writers with Spanish journalists: what is the worst of Brexit ? "People have not been thought of," Follett said. “The Europeans of the continent who live in the United Kingdom and the British who live in the continent have not been thought of. In this country, how many are there? One million? ». “The lives of the British have been poisoned by propaganda and the dishonest media. I mean personal lives, their relationships . That's the saddest of all, ”said Kate Mosse.

Second: whose fault is this mess? «We thought that democracy was part of the landscape, we took it for granted. But democracy is a responsibility, we must defend it and not the citizens of the United Kingdom did not do it, ”said Jojo Moyes.

«I believe that the people who voted to leave the European Union did so in good faith. They did what they thought they should do. But I also think that they did not know what the consequences of Brexit were, they did not know that the medicines were going to be more expensive , for example, ”explains Mosse.

And one more question: what will happen now? The four authors ruled out leaving the United Kingdom. "With how much I love Spain and France, the place of my heart is London," Follett said. «It is a problem of personal responsibility. And I feel that my duty is to stay in the United Kingdom, ”Mosse added. And Moyes recalled that he already left the United States at the time of George W. Bush. «There comes a time when you have to stand up».

Follett, the best known author of the tour, has ennobled her with a little book called Notre-Dame , which gathers her reflections after the fire of the cathedral in Paris. The copyright generated by the book (edited by Plaza & Janes) will be used to care for the Fondation du Patrimoine de Francia.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • literature
  • culture
  • Brexit
  • United Kingdom
  • European Union
  • Nigel Farage
  • Boris johnson

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