Teller Report

Video: Emily Flug .. The forgotten rebel designer and heroine «Qibla»

11/18/2019, 10:10:29 PM

Each achievement has its own story, which varies with its owner and its perception of what surrounds him, be it a painting, sculpture, engineering design, fashion collection, or an event that has changed the course of history. Whatever the work is different in its composition, and the invisible threads that formed it, which you can only see

Each achievement has its own story, which varies with its owner and its perception of what surrounds him, be it a painting, sculpture, engineering design, fashion collection, or an event that has changed the course of history. Whatever the work is different in its composition, and the invisible threads that formed it, which you see only the eye of its owner, the inspirational personality remains the only criterion that does not change, and remains that mysterious and controversial relationship is the real spark that provokes innovation .. Who are the inspirations in history?

One of the most famous painters of the 20th century, Gustav Klimt, may be perhaps the most capable of reviving her name. To inspire the world's most famous designers today.

In a world where man's leadership and control prevails, Flugg has been one of the most popular names amongst the elite circle of Austrian society, with her colorful, rebellious bohemian outfits on stifling corsets, and while she was the most famous fashion designer in history and the founder of the Chanel fashion house, Coco Chanel, Still beginning its first steps in this world, Flugg has become one of the famous European brands, Chanel's long-standing precedent in presenting rebellious and out-of-the-box designs, and by chance and for decades, inspiring, friendly and the only partner of the painter Gustav Klim , Which reached the value of his paintings for more than 140 million pounds at Christie's auctions, which were his last words before his death is «proclaimed Emily».

Emily Louis Flogg, the fourth sister of an affluent Austrian family, her father Herman was a pipe-trader, founder of an export company with a focus on the British market, while she was the youngest of two other sisters, Pauline and Helen, and a single brother named Herman. After the death of Emily's sister-in-law, Helen, who was still one year after marrying Ernest Kilmett, the brother of the painter Gustav Klimt, the latter became a patron of the sad widow.This tragedy began a 27-year friendship, despite the age difference of 12 A year later, Gustav was directly attached to the beautiful little sister, and they became inseparable.He was known for his constant reluctance to the Flug family home, as he spent the summer with them at their home on Lake Ater.

Flug sisters

With a clever business-oriented family, and with the support of their father and brother, the three sisters embarked on an earlier project. Similar ideas can be seen in our time, launching a design and sewing academy and winning an important design award at the time, in addition to education. They opened their own fashion store, called the Sisters Flug, which is now known as the multi-storey boutique, or Concept Store, like today's most famous concept stores such as 10 Corso Como. Milan, and «Collette» in Paris, with great success and unprecedented in the period was F. Here women entering the world of commerce is rare.

Emily began sewing at her own institute, an academy as a seamstress, to finish her training, earn a diploma in tailoring and design, start her work at the Sisters Flug, and become one of the most famous designers of the Velvet Circle of the upscale Vienna community and a fan of contemporary art, who was admired and appreciated. The house, which had a great success making it employ 80 seamstresses and three storytellers, stretches over the first floor of the elegant two-storey store, designed in the style of Art Nouveau or modernist art, in collaboration with the Vienna artists of the time, including the designer Colin Moser. Joseph Hoffman, the engineer, sold Mad clear on the idea of ​​chess boxes associated with the golden touch of decor and furnishings lines of contemporary simple, quite far from the classic spirit of spontaneous, and many of the display of collectibles and accessories, and materials designed especially for the house, and various stylish home accessories offered for sale along with elegant dresses.

Shades of Klimt

Although Gustav Klimt is one of Austria's most famous painters, whose paintings have been sold for hundreds of millions of dollars in previous decades, with a Bohemian orientation, Japanese artistic touches, a clear color effect, gold leaf embellishment, and the large manipulation of the colorful geometric shapes that adorned the dresses in his paintings. This great appreciation of his work was rarely added to the name of Emily, although it was present in all those paintings, whether painted or influenced by their designs, these beautiful dresses in his paintings were not pure imagination, but real, waded freely on the body of Emily , And whoever influenced their designs from the customer V.


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Despite the cohesion of the sisters to the success of their trade, their smart ability to overcome many economic crises, whether the end of property in Austria, the economic inflation of the twenties of the twentieth century, and the economic recession of the 1930s, and their ability to turn their shop into a business that led them a great wealth, and the loyalty of many customers However, the occupation of Austria and its annexation of Nazi Germany in March 1938 was able to put a real end to the "Sisters of Flug", especially with the escape of all important wealthy clients of the house, who were mostly Jews of Austria.


Gustav Klimt died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 55. His last words were "Call Emily," leaving half of his fortune to his companion and the other half to his family.