Teller Report

Woman hurled from Ponte Sisto, in Rome: a suspect stopped. "Imen knew his attacker"

11/17/2019, 5:46:49 PM

Nailed by surveillance camera images. The accusation is of voluntary murder

  • Rome, dead woman in Ponte Sisto: the police are looking for the man who pushed her down
  • Rome. Woman found dead under Ponte Sisto, a swollen face
  • Rome. In a video the "movie" of the last night of Imen, before the tragic flight from Ponte Sisto


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 11 May 2019A man suspected of the murder of former Tunisian athletic champion Imen Chatbouri was arrested by the State Police.

The man arrested is a Romanian of 29 years and has precedents for property crimes. The two had known each other for some time and last May 2 had spent the evening in a bar in the center of Rome, behind Largo Torre Argentina.

At the moment we do not know for sure the motive but, probably, the crime would have happened at the end of a quarrel, perhaps also for sentimental reasons. The police came to him through the images of the video surveillance cameras and the testimonies of those who saw them together that evening.

The surveillance videos are decisive
To nail the man, accused of voluntary murder, the videos acquired by the Flying Squad of the Capital. The woman was found dead, with her face swollen, on the morning of 2 May last, by a passer-by who raised the alarm, on the quay of the Tiber, at Ponte Sisto, in the center of Rome.

The chronicle of the crime
According to the investigators' reconstruction, the 37-year-old former athletic athlete in athletics would have been approached by the man she met in a bar in Piazza Venezia who, once out of the club, would follow her stealthily to Ponte Sisto where she would then thrown down from the parapet because perhaps it would have been rejected by the woman, even if other tracks are not excluded.

From the clips of the various video surveillance films of the area acquired by the investigators, we see the attacker throwing down from the Imen bridge like a sack after catching her by surprise while she was leaning with her elbows on the bridge parapet, grabbing her ankles and throwing her away below.