Teller Report

We're still on time

11/17/2019, 3:22:43 PM

Head of government is sought, even if it is second-hand and wastes groping. Blocking or unlocking: such seems to be the dilemma that worries half of Spain, but I don't think people,

Head of government is sought, even if it is second-hand and wastes groping. Blocking or unlocking : such seems to be the dilemma that worries half of Spain, but I don't think that people, when voting, have thought about that. If so, they would have done it differently, without going to the electoral fracking or putting together a sixteen piece mechanic in the Cortes. I certainly didn't think about it when I went to the polls on Sunday. In the end I voted, although I prefer that there is no government to have it. Without him we live so ric

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