Teller Report

They teach human anatomy with donated corpses

11/17/2019, 6:40:37 PM

This weekend, visitors to Uppsala could see dead people preserved and dissected. The purpose is to offer people a lesson in human anatomy for payment. Behind the exhibition stands a German company with a debatable past.

The idea is, to say the least, controversial. And the German company behind the traveling exhibition has previously been in blustery weather as the origins of the bodies have been questioned. Especially in the early 2000s when, among other things, it was reported that several of the bodies that were showcased came from executed people in China.

Now the majority of donors come from Germany and are fully voluntary, the company says.

On Sunday, people were crowded in the exhibition rooms of the central hotel. Many are fascinated and marveled at what they see. But do they know the company's past?

In the clip you get an answer to that.