Teller Report

The new composition of the Belarusian parliament will meet on December 6

11/17/2019, 10:55:37 PM

The head of the CEC of Belarus Lidia Yermoshina said that the first session of the new convocation of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus will be held on December 6.

“On December sixth at 10 o’clock in the morning the session of the House of Representatives will open, at 14 o’clock on the same day - of the Council of the Republic,” RIA Novosti quoted her as saying.

According to Ermoshina, the CEC meeting to summarize the election results in the lower house of parliament will be held on November 22.

Earlier, the Central Election Commission of Belarus reported that the total turnout at the parliamentary elections in Belarus, according to preliminary data, amounted to 77.22%.