Teller Report

The Democratic Party asks the IUS alone and proposes a new government agenda, clash with M5s

11/17/2019, 7:25:43 PM

Di Maio "baffled". Zingaretti, go-ahead for new statute Dem

  • Convention Dem in Bologna, Zingaretti: "We need seriousness to change Italy"
  • The PD changes, tomorrow the new Statute. Zingaretti: "It will be a more open party"


17 November 2019

Nicola Zingaretti moves the Democratic Party further to the left by raising the ius soli and modifying the security decrees and proposing a new government agenda, including a redistributive tax. A turning point in the secretary's speech to the dem assembly that immediately puts him on a collision course with the M5S, in particular on citizenship for the children of immigrants. "With the bad weather that scourges Italy, the future of 11,000 workers in Taranto being discussed, here we are talking about ius soli - comments Luigi Di Maio -: I am shocked".

All in the day in which Zingaretti reiterates that he wants to insist on building alliances with the five women at the local level and the day after the assurance that he has "no temptation to pull the plug on the government". But the dem secretary seems to want the party to overcome a sort of subjection to the M5S. "We are the first coalition party in the country, even if not in Parliament", claims Zingaretti, thanks to the last election results. In other words, with the party alone it is the responsibility of the government and it does not fight to the end for its own values ​​and programs.

"We are fighting because the Salvini decrees will be revised as soon as possible, within this government as a choice of camp - the secretary attacks at the end of the three-day dem in Bologna. - We will fight with the parliamentary groups to approve the ius culturae and ius soli, of course we will. " "We will also make a law for equal pay for women and men - he adds - but to achieve the goal and not to put flags and have an interview in the newspapers". The allusion seems to Matteo Orfini, who has been urging him on migrants and security for weeks and who sees his orders accepted at the meeting. Then on Fb the secretary launches "a new Government agenda that respects the program agreements and is close to people's needs"; in the post we talk about ius culturae and "equitable redistribution of the tax burden".

"We are concerned about families in difficulty, work and businesses - commented M5S sources -. We think of the country, we already had one that for a year and a half has only done an electoral campaign". What then would Matteo Salvini be and we know how that story ended. In the Democratic Party there are those who point out symmetrically that "if Di Maio starts to do as it did with Salvini, you don't go that far" with the government. Yet Zingaretti presents himself as the greatest supporter of the Conte bis.

After Maurizio Landini's day at the dem convention, with deputy secretary Andrea Orlando who spoke of "changing the form of capitalism", in closing the event in Bologna, more moderate voices and 'governiste' are heard, Paolo Gentiloni and Lorenzo Guerini in head. And a former Renziano like Andrea Marcucci joins Giorgio Gori in his admonition to "do no favor" to Matteo Renzi by moving the Democratic Party too far to the left and renouncing the majority vocation. Meanwhile, however, the party takes another step to break away from the era of the Scrap. The assembly approves the new Statute, which also establishes the end of the premier secretary-candidate automatism. "It will be a more open and participatory party," promises Zingaretti, "we will have a real congress again with opposing theses", with greater weight of the circles in the choice of leadership. Only 5 abstained on the reform against 566 in favor. The only opposite is Dario Corallo, a candidate for the secretariat, according to whom "the big ones will count even more: it takes 4 thousand signatures in 12 regions to present a document or an application". Zingaretti pulls straight on the Statute and sends a message also to Renzi: "They do not delude themselves, those who fight the Democratic Party to take consensus dig the pit for themselves and for the center-left". The grain of Calabria remains, with Florindo Rubbettino renouncing to run for the Region. And there too, as in Emilia, a complicated dialogue with M5S, from now perhaps even more conflictual.