Teller Report

Moderate opposition council Agneta Nyvall in Borlänge was voted off by the party comrades

11/17/2019, 6:49:37 PM

The moderates in Borlänge have held a second vote on the confidence of the opposition council in municipal politics, Agneta Nyvall. Sunday's vote resulted in a majority lacking confidence in Nyvall.

This is stated by Ulrik Bergman, group leader for the Moderates in Borlänge, in a press release. According to the press release, there has been criticism of how the work of the delegation group should be conducted.

A large number of councilors for the Moderates in Borlänge had requested a vote of confidence. Already this summer, a similar vote was held, but the result did not give a qualified majority, which the statutes require.

Submit their assignments

By Sunday's vote, a qualified majority was lacking in confidence. Ulrik Bergman writes that the proxy group assumes that Agneta Nyvall leaves her assignments, and that the nomination committee can start work on finding a replacement.

Agneta Nyvall has commented on the development for P4 Dalarna with the fact that it is a bullying culture and power struggle within the Moderates in Borlänge. On Sunday she told P4 Dalarna after 12 out of 14 voted in disbelief:

- This has been going on for so long now, since last spring. I don't know what I'm feeling.