Teller Report

Joint Yemeni forces mobilize to respond to the escalation of Houthi west coast

11/17/2019, 10:09:20 PM

Military sources in the Yemeni joint forces on the west coast warned of the continued escalation of attacks by Houthi coup militia towards their positions and residential neighborhoods on the fronts of the coast, stressing that they will start to respond to the sources of fire with its commitment to the truce and the ceasefire.

Military sources in the Yemeni joint forces on the west coast warned against the continued escalation of attacks by Houthi coup militia towards their positions and residential neighborhoods in the fronts of the coast, stressing that they will start to respond to the sources of fire with their commitment to the truce and ceasefire, while the militias continued their military escalation at all points of contact in Hodeida Meanwhile, Arab coalition fighters to support legitimacy targeted militia positions in al-Salif and Ras Issa used in booby-trapping operations, as well as Houthi positions in Saada, with the military escalation of the Houthis in Taiz and al-Dali.

A military source in the west coast of Yemen confirmed that the joint forces will start responding to the breaches of the Houthi coup militia escalating against their positions and residential neighborhoods in various areas despite the deployment of monitoring committees supervised by the United Nations, pointing out that the joint forces will remain committed to the truce and the decision to cease Fire, but it will not remain idle in the face of attacks and escalation of Houthi militias.

The source pointed out that the monitoring and control units of the joint forces monitor large Houthi movements in all districts and seam areas, and that the monitoring operations are carried out around the clock and monitor and control all movements of Houthi elements, which has witnessed a significant escalation in recent weeks through continued sending reinforcements and heavy weapons to the seam areas , And almost daily.

The source pointed out that the most movements of Houthi elements take place in the southern directorates of Hodeidah, including Hays, Tahita, Duraimi and Beit al-Faqih through the roads linking the coastal districts in Ibb, Dhamar, Taiz, Al-Mahwit and Rima governorates, and that reinforcements enter from the roads of these dusty and main governorates to the perimeter of the liberated West Coast cities.

The Houthi militias have stepped up their military operations and attacks against joint forces positions and residential neighborhoods in all areas of the West Coast in recent days. They also continued their targeting of joint positions in the Duraimi district south of Hodeidah, near the ceasefire monitoring committees deployed in five areas within the city. Hodeidah.

Military sources confirmed that the militias bombed the positions of the joint forces in the east and south of Duraimi with various weapons, including snipers that prevent the movement of the population and movement in those areas and targeting everything moving, and targeted joint sites in Faza and Jabaliya of the Directorate of Tahita south of Hodeidah, prompting the joint forces to Responding to the sources of fire in al-Faza, and the militias suffered seven dead and a number of wounded as they attempted to infiltrate Fazaa under heavy fire cover.

Al-Houthi militias continued to target joint forces positions in Al-Jabaliya area of ​​Al-Tahta district with medium weapons, which focused on Al-Maslab village east of the mountainous area, wounding a woman and a man, according to local sources in the area. Intermediate machine guns intensively opened fire on positions of 14.5 mm and 12.7 mm weapons.

In addition, Coalition fighter jets continued to monitor the movements of Houthi elements and Iranian experts specialized in explosive and booby-trapping operations in the west coast, and conducted three focused raids on the sites and militia groups specialized in those operations near Ras Issa oil port and the coastal area of ​​Salif, destroying equipment and machinery used In marine booby traps.

In Saada, coalition warplanes targeted militia positions in the vicinity of the liberated al-Zaher district for the second day in a row, after monitoring militia movements with a view to achieving a breakthrough on the fronts of Yemeni army forces stationed between al-Zaher and Wahidan districts of Abdul Malik al-Houthi's hometown.

Meanwhile, Yemeni army forces, supported by the Arab Coalition, bombed militia positions in the Razih border region with Saudi Arabia, destroying military vehicles stationed in targeted areas near the liberated Al-Azhar mountain range. In Taiz, the Yemeni army repelled attempts of infiltration and attacks by the militias towards their positions in the fronts of Sayyahi and Matea and Tabba village in the front of the fog west of the city, according to military sources, noting that the militias suffered heavy losses of equipment and lives.

In al-Dhale'e, the artillery of the joint and southern forces targeted militia positions in the vicinity of al-Fakher Front northwest of Qataba, centered on the areas of Hubail al-Samai and Beit al-Sili where rockets and heavy artillery were used, according to military sources. Large to those areas with the aim of progressing towards the luxurious to restore them.

The sources pointed out that the bombing left dead and wounded among the Houthis, in addition to the destruction of military vehicles belonging to them, including a vehicle «BMP» and vehicles were loaded with insurgents. For their part, Houthi militias bombed residential villages in Al-Mazoub, Shakhb and Salim, northwest of Qataba, causing injuries to civilians and farmers in those areas.

In the villages of Hajar and Salil, the Houthi militias tightened their security grip, extortion and looting practices and imposed double levies on civilians and farmers there, and set up checkpoints at all the entrances and exits of those villages.

In Ibb, near al-Dhale'e, al-Qaeda directorate witnessed armed clashes between Houthi elements as a result of disputes over the local authority in the directorate, according to local sources, noting that the directorate security director appointed by the militias, Ali al-Washli, was injured as a result of these clashes.

In the city of Ibb, witnesses confirmed that Houthi leader Abdul Wahid al-Marwee, appointed by the militias as deputy governor of the province for technical affairs, assaulted with his officers on the traffic in the main street in the city center against the background of not opening the road to his convoy.