Teller Report

In the DPR announced the shelling of the APU villages on the outskirts of Gorlovka

11/17/2019, 6:13:49 PM

The representative office of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic in the Joint Center for the Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire said that Ukrainian security forces fired mortars at villages on the outskirts of Gorlovka.

“At 15:45, shelling by the VFU was recorded in the following directions: the village of the Gagarin mine and the village of Dolomitnoye. 11 minutes of 82 mm caliber were produced, ”the Donetsk news agency reports.

Also in the DPR reported that at about 13:00 the Ukrainian security forces fired six mines of 82 mm caliber in the Gorlovsky village of Zaitsevo.

Earlier, the self-proclaimed LPR stated that the commanders of two brigades of the Ukrainian army ordered subordinates to hang US flags over positions in the Crimean and Mironovsky.