Teller Report

In St. Petersburg opened the Eifman Children's Dance Theater

11/17/2019, 8:40:54 AM

As part of the VIII St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum, the grand opening of the Boris Eifman Children's Dance Theater was held.

As Eifman said during a conversation with RT, the theater became part of the educational complex, which he began working on eight to nine years ago.

“We started with the Dance Academy, then built a comprehensive school and, now, a dance theater. This is a whole unique complex for talented children’s ballet professional education, ”the choreographer explained.

According to him, the theater will work with the Dance Academy, in which 320 children are currently studying, and there will be more than 500. In addition, people from the outside will be able to accept the theater - Eifman plans to invite young choreographers to the project work, organize festivals and competitions both among professionals and children - dance lovers.

“I would like this theater to become a center for aesthetic education of children, introducing them to a high culture ... First of all, of course, we think that the children of the Academy would have such stage practice that would help them become full-fledged talented artists. But, meanwhile, we would like, of course, to make the theater a center for children, for the youth of St. Petersburg, so that people who are fond of any kind of dance can find an opportunity in this theater to realize their ideas and emotions, ”Eifman emphasized.

  • Boris Eifman Children's Dance Theater opens in St. Petersburg

The choreographer also said that at present his “adult” troupe, Boris Eifman’s Ballet Theater, has been touring in France for about a week.

“I hope that this tour, which will last five weeks, will be a success. We will start in France, then we will have the Netherlands. This is an important tour for us: both France and the Netherlands are centers of ballet, both classical and modern. I hope that here they will understand and accept our art, ”concluded Eifman.

In June, Eifman in an interview with RT said that the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theater in 2019 plans to perform in several countries in Asia and Europe.