Teller Report

In Dakar, Senegal and France agree to fight against irregular immigration

11/17/2019, 9:34:37 PM

France and Senegal renewed Sunday their commitment to cooperate to fight against irregular migration on the occasion of the visit to Dakar by French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe who also spoke with President Macky Sall of the anti-Jihadist struggle in the Sahel.

France and Senegal renewed Sunday their commitment to cooperate to fight against irregular migration on the occasion of the visit to Dakar by French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe who also spoke with President Macky Sall of the anti-Jihadist struggle in the Sahel.

Seven weeks after a debate in the French Parliament on immigration wanted by Emmanuel Macron, which has resulted in the future establishment of quotas for professional immigration, France and Senegal have committed to "continue effective cooperation against irregular migration" , according to the terms of a joint declaration, on the occasion of the arrival of Edouard Philippe in Senegal.

France and Senegal renewed their commitment to cooperate to fight against irregular migration during the visit to Dakar of the French Prime Minister, who also came to talk with President Macky Sall of the anti-Jihadist struggle in the Sahel.

"A migration policy is not only an addition of constraints, it is also the expression of assertive choices", summed up Edouard Philippe, who was greeted at mid-day by Macky Sall at the presidential palace. "The issue of residence permits must meet clear principles and not be the result of a form of passivity," added the Prime Minister to the French community living in Dakar.

"Cooperation can still improve"

Among the levers available to France, official development assistance, whose total budget must reach 0.55% of GDP in 2022. About 2 billion euros have been distributed in Senegal since 2007: "efforts" that must "produce results on irregular immigration," says Matignon.

"Cooperation (...) can still improve in the logic of reciprocal commitment," said Philippe Sunday. France will thus support the modernization of the Senegalese civil status as well as certain police and gendarmerie services dedicated to border controls and the fight against the smuggling of migrants. Regarding legal immigration, Matignon welcomes the "real dynamic", "of the order of 7%", admission of Senegalese students (12,500 in 2019) in French higher education.