Teller Report

Fornling admitted to hospital: "I have a bleeding in my head"

11/17/2019, 8:55:37 AM

Sven Fornling was knocked hard in the lightweight title match in German Halle. He was taken to hospital for examination, where he remains. "I don't remember anything," says Fornling.

He was knocked out by Dominic Bösel. The boxes stood for ten rounds, but then it was no longer for Fornling. The German got a hit series in round eleven and lowered Fornling, a match that ended at midnight.

SVT Sport called Fornling at the hospital at 9.30am on Sunday.

- I can't talk that much because I'm in a hospital, can't really talk. I have a bleeding in my head, says an admitted Fornling.

Oh well, can you tell us something brief about the game?

- Not really, I almost don't remember anything, replies Fornling.

I'll leave you alone, thank you for responding, and good luck!

- Thank you, Sven says and hangs up.

Fornling lost his IBO belt. In addition, the match also applied to the WBA's interim title - which had taken him closer to a match against Badou Jack.

Here Fornling is knocked out in the championship fight

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Here Fornling is knocked out in the champion fight Photo: Aftonbladet