Teller Report

Before the December 5th strike the time is clearing for Macron

11/17/2019, 10:04:37 PM

After the events organized for the anniversary of the movement of "yellow vests", it is the mobilization of December 5 which is the priority of the executive. There is no question of letting the anger grow, it is time for mine clearance.

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Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech at the plenary session of the Forum for Peace in Paris, November 12, 2019. Ludovic Marin / Pool via REUTERS

After the events organized for the anniversary of the movement of "yellow vests", it is the mobilization of December 5 which is the priority of the executive. There is no question of letting the anger grow, it is time for mine clearance.

It was through the hospital that Emmanuel Macron decided to start defusing the anger. The President announced it himself, new emergency measures will be proposed as early as Wednesday, November 20 after the Council of Ministers. And it is not Agnès Buzyn but Édouard Philippe who will take care of it, to calm the hospital staff whose action is supported by the French.

At the Elysee, it is assumed to work to provide " strong answers " before December 5, when the SNCF unions and the RATP called for a strike against the pension reform.

A reform on which " we will do everything to enter the dialogue, " says one in Emmanuel Macron's entourage. Here again, the Prime Minister will be in the front line. Édouard Philippe must receive the unions one by one the week of November 25th.

A relative of the president specifies that even if there is no " December 1995 syndrome ", when France was blocked, the will is to avoid " robbing " the country.

To listen also: Pension reform: the equation is complicated for Emmanuel Macron

In other words, do everything possible so that the pension reform is not the element that makes " converge " the different movements of claim that, we believe in the government, have little to do with each other .

Emmanuel Macron wants to act in time to prevent a general conflagration.

See also: France: Emmanuel Macron's strategy at mid-term