Teller Report

Athlete hurled from Ponte Sisto, immediate judgment for premeditated murder

11/17/2019, 5:46:54 PM

Imen Chatbouri, former Tunisian athletic champion, was found dead on the Tiber quay in Trastevere. The alleged killer nailed by the images of the surveillance cameras

  • Woman hurled from Ponte Sisto, in Rome: a suspect stopped. "Imen knew his attacker"
  • Rome, dead woman in Ponte Sisto: the police are looking for the man who pushed her down
  • Rome. Woman found dead under Ponte Sisto, a swollen face
  • Rome. In a video the "movie" of the last night of Imen, before the tragic flight from Ponte Sisto


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 17 November 2019The accused has not cooperated so far but the prosecutor's office has requested the immediate trial on the charge of 'voluntary murder aggravated by premeditation' for Stefan Iulian Catoi, the 26-year-old Romanian playboy accused of having thrown down from Ponte Sisto, in the Center of Rome, the former Tunisian athletics champion Imen Chatbouri, last May 2nd.

The alleged murderer denies any charges but the images of the surveillance cameras in the area nail him down. In the videos acquired by the Flying Squad of the Capital, the man steals the woman from behind, grabs her by the legs and throws her down from the parapet. Imen Chatbouri was found in the morning with a swollen face on the quay of Lungotevere dei Vallati by a passer-by who alerted the police.

Motive unknown killing
The problem is that apparently it would be a crime without motive. It is not clear why Catoi decided to throw Imen down from the wall on the Tiber. Was he rejected? Was there a fight? No one knows. The defense of man is based precisely on this fact the lawyer Claudia Serafini says: "Catoi did not know her, so why kill her?". Man proclaims himself innocent and victim of an error.

For the PM Antonio Verdi who signed the indictment, however, there is no doubt about the dynamics of the crime. The camera footage is clear: it was not a disgrace.

Following the violent impact on the ground, Imen died and the video surveillance images, after death, show a person who, after going down to the delta to ascertain the death of the former athlete, heptatlon champion, a specialty in athletics light feminine, flees away. The person would seem to be Catoi.

According to the prosecutor's office, an attempt was made to disguise the assassination with a robbery: in fact, rescuers rushed to the scene to find Imen without a mobile phone and with his jacket folded under his head as if he were asleep and had been robbed.

At the Court of Assizes the task of unraveling the skein.