Teller Report

«Selfie Mania» drives men to compete in beauty clinics and celebrity imitation

11/17/2019, 10:09:08 PM

It is no longer unusual for men to enter beauty centers to improve their public appearance, or out of tradition, as they were a few decades ago. It has become fashionable to go to these places for hair transplantation, liposuction, or correction of what was disturbing. Great

It is no longer unusual for men to enter beauty centers to improve their public appearance, or out of tradition, as they were a few decades ago. It has become fashionable to go to these places for hair transplantation, liposuction, or correction of what was disturbing. Great.

But it did not stop at the limits of this desire, which many believe to be in line with the requirements of the "era of selfie" - where the picture comes first and foremost - but exceeded a lot, exceeding the limits of social acceptance, after the "obsession" with the external appearance of men and women to exaggerate their claims Cosmetic.

According to specialists in this field, cosmetics surpassed the blowing of lips and eyebrows, to "clone" celebrities, by emulating their external appearance, which contradicts the inherited Arab customs and represents a departure from the values ​​and traditions of the UAE.

Specialists attributed this behavior to the absence of culture and the desire to imitate figures from other cultures, while there are no local laws restricting such practices, pointing to the need to enact laws prohibiting beauty centers from performing such operations.

The head of the cosmetic division at the Emirates Medical Association and the professor of medicine at the UAE University, Dr. Zuhair Al-Fardan, said that «the state law does not prevent cosmetic doctors from practicing their profession within the limits of what is acceptable or socially permissible, as they can meet all the required cosmetic procedures. . However, the recent period has seen men to perform unusual operations within the community, such as blowing lips, or injections of the breast and buttocks. And some went to the tattoo eyebrows, which is rejected by society, because it is contrary to the values ​​and general principles of its members ».

Fardan said that «in the absence of a law governing cosmetic surgery, the ethics of the profession is the only officer in the state», stressing that «the profit and commercial nature is the dominant of this type of surgery, especially in the private sector, where some workers lost the credibility of work Medical.

Dr. Ibrahim Galadari, a professor and consultant of dermatology at the UAE University, said that the recent period has witnessed a great debate between what is acceptable in cosmetic procedures and new things that contradict the social customs and traditions.

He considered that «the reason for such cases is the low cultural and religious side of the reviewers, and the presence of cases of greed among some doctors and beauty centers». Galadari explained that «men's beauty was limited to things such as hair transplantation and liposuction, and get rid of any things that cause problems in the body in general, but the recent exaggeration in cosmetic surgery is not acceptable and requires the intervention of the concerned authorities».

He pointed out that «liposuction has seen a turnout of men almost equal to the demand of women, while plastic hair transplantation is the most requested of men in the UAE, and then the procedures of lifting after fat removal, and finally laser».

Regarding the recent announcement of a beauty center's announcement of men's cosmetic services by a young man, he presented improperly, Galadari called for harsh penalties on these centers "which promote practices contrary to the customs and traditions of the UAE society."

For his part, consultant plastic surgery in Dubai, Dr. Qasim Ahli, said that «men's appetite for cosmetics went beyond the identification of beards, hair transplantation, to inject freshness, Botox, and remove wrinkles, and some went to perform strange operations are unacceptable, such as blowing lips and celebrities Or women in some cases. ”

Cosmetic Mania

Dr. Zuhair Al-Fardan asserted that the different cultures of many members of the society and the cosmetic doctors working in the country are behind many unusual social manifestations. He added that social media played a negative role by transferring these aspects from around the world to the arena of our society.

Al-Fardan said that «obsession with cosmetic surgery go to some of the clinics of the country's beauty clinics to ask to change their faces completely, as the clinics receive men and women carrying pictures of a celebrity, asking the doctor to transfer them to a copy of them, and to perform all surgical interventions, even if necessary to include The whole body, to get the desired image ».