Teller Report

«Mute Self Challenge» .. The latest trends «Social Media»

11/17/2019, 10:10:05 PM

A video of students taking on a new challenge, no less dangerous than life, has spread through social networking sites and has caused unfortunate deaths and accidents in more than one part of the world.

A video of students taking on a new challenge, no less dangerous than life, has spread through social media, and has caused unfortunate deaths and accidents in more than one part of the world.

The new game is called "The Mute Self Challenge," in which some young people gather around a colleague and ask him to breathe quickly, then mute himself and put pressure on his chest, specifically the heart area, causing him to faint and lose consciousness for a few seconds.

The game of the strangulation challenge, which has claimed the lives of a student in a school in the country, has recently spread among school students.

The new “self-muting challenge” is no less dangerous than its predecessor, causing carbon dioxide deficiency, increased gases in the blood, increased heartbeat, and thus death.

The head of the cardiology and intensive care unit at Obaidullah Hospital in Ras Al Khaimah, a cardiologist, Dr. Adel Abdullah Wassef, said that the game of "self-mutilation" poses a serious danger to the safety of students, and should prevent students from practicing it, warning against promoting it on social networking sites.

He added that the game consists of dangerous stages, most notably rapid breathing for a long time, it may change blood gases, and cause a lack of carbon dioxide, and lead to hypotension and fainting.

Wasif said that manual artificial massage of the heart area is allowed only to the doctor, because it negatively affects the normal heartbeat, and in the case of awareness in the child.

He explained that the child does not understand the method of artificial massage, because the heart must be stopped to bring it back to life, and if the artificial massage of the heart in its natural state, it may lead to a long pause, which negatively affects the vital organs of the brain and heart, and cause death.

Dr. Abeer Qasim, Consultant Chest Diseases at the Hospital, pointed out that prolonged cessation of breathing leads to death due to lack of oxygen to the blood and brain, stroke, brain damage, change and heart rate disorder, and a sharp drop in blood circulation.

She explained that the student was fainted as a result of lack of oxygen to the blood, which led to the cessation of the heart muscle, Qassem stressed the need to be aware of the seriousness of the game, because it leads to organic injuries and nervousness of the student may lead to his life.

Control body

Hanan al-Bayedh, a lawyer, told Al-Youm today that the student's injury to any miscarriage during his time in school was subjected to accountability as the party responsible for his safety. The claimant is responsible for the supervision of the child, because the incident occurred under its responsibility, and the judge has to determine the financial compensation that the school must pay to the affected student, as it failed to perform its task during the care of him, which caused him harm.

The “mute challenge” is the gathering of young men and a colleague demanding that they mute their breath and press their chest.

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