Teller Report

Now the Christmas shopping is going on - the candle lights are lit in Tranås

11/16/2019, 7:29:00 PM

It is mid-November, but already the Christmas shopping is starting in many parts of the county. In Tranås, the candle lighting in the center has become a tradition and a start for Christmas shopping.

In the clip, you see when an almost extinguished Tranås suddenly shines out of lots of light trails.

- We usually come here and look at this, says Hanna Arvidsson, one of hundreds of people who have traveled to the center of Tranås to see when the Christmas light switch is turned on.

The tradition of lighting the light trails in the trees has been around since 2008 in Tranås.

- It is a cozy evening that begins Christmas, says Hanna Arvidsson.