Teller Report

Millionaire expels the training staff of a club he bought and appointed himself the chief coach

11/16/2019, 6:38:05 PM

An English millionaire bought a club, fired the coach and his assistants and then appointed himself the chief coach. He went even further when he invited fans to the next game and "drink at his expense."

The ambition of the English millionaire Klein Tamblin not only to raise millions and succeed in the iron sector he trades in, but paid him to buy the football club Romford football activist in the lower grades in England, but he took a step did not do before as the expulsion of the coaches of the team and appointed himself a senior technical manager coaches .

Tampelin's first move was to dismiss coach Paul Martin and all his aides. He then announced on Twitter that he had recruited 15 new players, and that he would lead the team as a manager himself with competent assistants.

The 47-year-old millionaire, who made his own millionaires, asked the club's fans to support the team in the coming matches, especially in the next meeting.

In the past three years, the English millionaire has invested around 3.5 million euros in the seventh division club, Melkay Town, but has lost the will to buy Romford, the eighth division.

The website described the millionaire as eccentric and has no knowledge of football.