Teller Report

Maxi brawl between young people in Piazza Duomo, three young people reported. De Corato: "We need more agents"

11/16/2019, 8:34:37 PM

The terrified people while about thirty people faced each other throwing bottles and tables. Even the center has become "a place of clashes for North Africans - is the comment of the regional security councilor Riccardo De Corato - It is difficult to remember a similar episode"

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16 November 2019Three young people were denounced after they were injured in a brawl near Piazza Duomo in Milan late yesterday afternoon, which involved some thirty young people of North African origin. The defendants, two eighteen-year-olds and a seventeen-year-old, had gone to be treated in the hospital and are all of Tunisian origin. The brawl caused a particular sensation because the medieval Piazza dei Mercanti had its backdrop, where young people pulled bottles and chairs.

"Even Piazza del Duomo has become a place of clashes for North Africans - is the comment of the regional security councilor Riccardo De Corato - It is difficult to remember a similar episode, with thirty people involved in a brawl in the shelter of the basilica, with launches of bottles and chairs: the area has become like one of the many squares in the suburbs, where irregular immigrants are rampant, and the arrival of other law enforcement officers is essential, because Milan is undefended despite the great work done by police and carabinieri, which however are not enough to stem the degradation that has now reached even the full city center ".