Teller Report

Iraqi demonstrators control a new area in Baghdad

11/16/2019, 10:06:30 PM

Iraqi demonstrators yesterday regained part of the main Al-Senq Bridge in Baghdad after security forces removed them from it about a week ago. The demonstrators also took control of a high building overlooking the bridge, thus controlling a new area in the center of the Iraqi capital.

Iraqi demonstrators yesterday regained part of the main Al-Senq Bridge in Baghdad after security forces removed them from it about a week ago. The demonstrators also took control of a high building overlooking the bridge, thus taking control of a new area in the center of the Iraqi capital. Inspection procedures, following the killing of three bombs, last night.

The demonstrators had previously managed to control four vital bridges linking the banks of the Tigris River, east of Baghdad and west, where the Green Zone, which includes government headquarters and foreign embassies, but the riot police managed to regain control of three bridges and neighboring neighborhoods, and return the demonstrators to Tahrir Square and Al-Jumhuriya Bridge were bombarded with tear gas and live bullets, and the Baghdad Operations Command decided yesterday morning to withdraw its units from the area that was separated from the demonstrators by concrete blocks, which allowed the demonstrators to sit and sit at the beginning of Al-Senk Bridge.

Dozens of demonstrators climbed the walls of a large parking garage overlooking the Tigris River alongside the Sinak Bridge and held up banners in support of the demonstrations.

Demonstrators continued in the central Tahrir Square in Baghdad, demanding «to overthrow the regime», and change the ruling political class they accuse of «corruption», and police and medics said that a bomb explosion, during the last night in the aviation square, killed at least three people, However, it was not immediately clear who was responsible for the blast, or whether it was related to the demonstrations.

The Human Rights Committee in the Iraqi parliament that the bombing «a serious development in ensuring the safety of demonstrators», adding in a statement: «bombing proves the existence of the party seeking to destabilize security and spread chaos, and this is contrary to international humanitarian law and human rights principles, and international human rights covenants ».

The statement called on the security forces and the coordinators of the demonstrations to cooperate in securing the entrances of inspection to the squares, for fear of entering the so-called «third party», and demanded the security services to disclose the bodies that carried out the terrorist bombing, which targeted peaceful demonstrators.

The Baghdad Operations Command appealed yesterday morning to the demonstrators in Tahrir Square and its extensions, to maintain the peaceful demonstrations in the areas of al-Khulani and Alsink, and to maintain public and private funds. The scope for the movement of citizens.

Last night, dozens of demonstrators started to close the road leading to the gates of Umm Qasr commercial port in Basra province. A sit-in tent was set up, trucks loaded with goods and goods were allowed out of the port, and other trucks were not allowed into the port, despite security measures taken by the forces. Security forces, while dozens of demonstrators blocked the road leading to Majnoon oil field, northeast of the province of Basra;

Iraqi parliament calls on security forces to cooperate in search entrances to demonstration yards.