Teller Report

Gambia: publication of a draft constitution for two presidential terms - RFI

11/16/2019, 9:58:43 PM

For 18 months, an independent commission conducted consultations across the country and abroad. If the draft Constitution is adopted, it

By RFIPubliée on 16-11-2019Modified on 16-11-2019 at 22:43

For 18 months, an independent commission conducted consultations across the country and abroad. If the draft Constitution is adopted, it will replace the previous one, written in 1997 under the regime of Yahya Jammeh.

The Gambian authorities on Friday issued a draft new constitution, which ends the presidency for life by limiting to two the number of presidential terms, five years each. Former dictator Yahya Jammeh had ruled for 22 years and said he was ready to rule a billion years.

This is a historic proposal for The Gambia, enthuses the lawyer Ismaila Jobe. " The limitation of the warrants was one of the flagship measures that Gambians expected from the Constitutional Review Commission," he says. We finally get what we hoped because since independence, no Constitution has mentioned a limit of presidential terms. "

On the side of the National Assembly, the Parliament wants to be more inclusive: 14 seats will be reserved for women, and disabled people will be represented by two deputies. Political parties will have to present at least 10% of young people on the electoral lists for election to the National Assembly.

This draft Constitution still needs to be discussed for a month. Gambians can comment on Twitter using a special hashtag. The project must then be validated by President Adama Barrow before being submitted to a referendum, the date of which has not been set.

►Also read : Gambia: Civil society asks for results of Jammeh era survey

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