Teller Report

ArcelorMittal. Pm Taranto investigates for destruction of means of production. Investigation also in Milan

11/16/2019, 6:19:43 PM

"If the idea passes that you make agreements, take part in public tenders, sign agreements before the Government and then you can beat them and you can not apply them, we are in barbarity," Landini attacks. "Such logic is not acceptable," he added

  • ArcelorMittal, there is no solution but it is. Commissioners file a complaint with the prosecutor of Taranto
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  • ArcelorMittal, Di Maio: "The penal shield is a mass distractor"
  • Conte: if ArcelorMittal retires, the first step is commissioner management at the Mise


November 16, 2019The already critical situation of ArcelorMittal becomes even more complicated. A new judicial initiative has started today in Taranto and in the Apulian city from tomorrow, companies in the steel industry will stop work in the former Ilva plant because overdue invoices have not been paid.

This morning the extraordinary commissioners of Ilva, Ardito, Lupo and Danovi, handed over to the prosecutor of Taranto, Capristo, and the deputy prosecutor, Carbone, an exposed complaint containing facts and behavior, inherent to the contractual relationship with Arcelor Mittal, which are detrimental to the national economy. In order to verify the existence of hypotheses of criminal relevance ".

"Destruction of means of production"
The investigation file initiated by the prosecutor of Taranto, Carlo Maria Capristo, against unknown persons hypothesizes the violation of Article 499 of the Criminal Code: 'Destruction of raw materials or agricultural or industrial products or means of production'. This is the same offense made by the Ilva commissioners in the complaint presented today in the Public Prosecutor's Office in Taranto after the release of ArcelorMittal. The file is currently assigned to the attorney Capristo and the deputy prosecutor Carbone.

The article punishes with imprisonment from 3 to 12 years and with a fine of not less than approximately 2,065 euros "anyone who destroys raw materials or agricultural or industrial products, or means of production, causes a serious damage to the national production, or makes it fail to a large extent goods of common or large consumption ". To support this hypothesis - now being examined by the Public Prosecutor's Office - the commissioners believe that ArcelorMittal's decision to adopt a timetable for shutting down the iron and steel plants could damage them. Ilva in As also points out that the Taranto plant is strategically national.

On Monday the added Milanese Maurizio Romanelli and the prosecutors Stefano Civardi and Mauro Clerici will meet to finalize the act of their establishment in the civil case with which ArcelorMittal asks to withdraw from the rental agreement of the former establishment and the commissioners, with their appeal precautionary measure, to stop them to preserve the company. Also next week, tarantini investigators and investigators will begin summoning a series of witnesses to shed light on the situation in the steel industry.

Boccia: "No muscle size for anyone"
Attacks the president of Confindustria Vincenzo Boccia: "The muscular dimension is of no use to anyone. For Ilva solutions are needed. The first thing to do - he adds - is to put back the shield, and it is necessary to admit the mistake that has been made, from which this situation has been determined. Let us hope we hope that common sense, pragmatism and realism on this question will prevail ".

Gozzi: "Foreign companies flee from legal risks and political chaos"
The former president of Federacciai Antonio Gozzi points out that "foreign companies are fleeing legal risks and political chaos". From the weaknesses of politics, "which has the task of deciding the road to follow" to the intervention of the magistrates because they do not respect a contract that "matters from the civil and non-criminal code", that's why the story of the former Ilva of Taranto for Gozzi "hurts the international reputation of Italy and makes it lose all attractiveness of foreign investment". The real weak point "of the tragedy that is taking place in Taranto" is all here, he concludes. "We will see in the coming days - declared Foreign Minister and political leader M5s, Luigi Di Maio - whether the intervention of the judiciary will be enough to keep ArcelorMittal.

Turkish: "Government has no responsibility"
One thing is certain: we drag the multinational company into court and ask to respect the pacts with the State ". And if the governor of Puglia, Emiliano, accuses ArcelorMittal of" wanting to bring down the Government ", albeit perhaps indirectly" "on the former Ilva issue, the Government has no responsibility", declares the Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council with delegation to economic planning, Mario Turco. The problem, observes Turco, is that Mittal has failed the industrial plan, "has not reached the set goals".

Trade unions: "Count, work to bring property to the table"
"I believe that today it is necessary for the Prime Minister, Conte, to work to bring the property to the table, not the managing director, in a confrontation with the union", says the general secretary CISL, Furlan , pointing out that "they are in dance not only 20,000 jobs, 20,000 families, but also the possibility for Italy to be competitive on a large steel market in which we have always been competitive ".

The general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini , announces battle: "if this table is good. If it is not there in the next few hours, or in the next few days we will react and decide what to do", assures reiterating the request for a table between unions and property. And he adds: "" We want to produce steel and we will find all the ways and the most intelligent forms to make that the workers do not make any shutdown and no closure of that establishment. "If the idea passes that you make agreements, take part in public tenders, sign agreements before the Government and then you can beat them and you can not apply them, we are in barbarity," Landini attacks. "Such logic is not acceptable," he added.

"This story that we will make a great cause to society worries me, because when the cause ends we will no longer have industrial perspectives and jobs", underlines the leader of the Uil, Carmelo Barbagallo .

Companies-Induced: From tomorrow stop to workers in the yards of the iron and steel industry
And in the meantime the induced-steel contract of ArcelorMittaldi Taranto raises the bar. From tomorrow, companies will no longer send their staff to work in the steelworks, nor will they carry out activities on behalf of the company that manages the former Ilva. The decision was taken today in Confindustria Taranto as no reply has yet been received regarding the date of payment of overdue invoices relating to works and services performed for ArcelorMittal.

Harder initiatives are not excluded, such as the presence of the trucks in front of the factory concierge C by the transporters, which are also in great difficulty due to the missed payments of ArcelorMittal. The last transporter block in front of Ilva took place in January 2015, when the credits deriving from the transfer from Ilva commissioner to Ilva in extraordinary administration were at stake. But CGIL Taranto disagrees with the protest that starts tomorrow and tells Confindustria Taranto: it is not the time to abandon the factory which must be manned instead.