Teller Report

Unpredictable destination for Brazilian Coutinho in the "Premier"

11/15/2019, 2:35:33 PM

Tottenham are interested in signing Brazilian midfielder Felipe Coutinho, who plays for Bayern Munich on loan from Barcelona, ​​boosting the international's return to an unexpected destination in the English Premier League.

Tottenham are interested in the signing of Brazilian midfielder Felipe Coutinho, who plays for Bayern Munich on loan from Barcelona, ​​boosting the international's return to an unexpected destination in the English Premier League.

Tottenham, who has expressed interest in Coutinho, has turned his attention to the Brazilian, according to the Sun.

The newspaper pointed out that Coutinho's experience in Premier League, where he played for Liverpool before moving to Barcelona in Spain, is one of the motives behind the interest of Tottenham.