Teller Report

Johansson Norgren: "Highly valued it"

11/15/2019, 5:10:42 PM

Earlier today, Britta Johansson Norgren was named the world's best long-distance skier, according to Ski Classic's new ranking. An acknowledgment that training and competition have worked in recent years. - It is very fun to get a receipt and it has been very good in recent years. Getting it now before the season makes me want to show that I can and should still be up there, she tells SVT Sport.

The ranking is based on both men and women and includes 27,000 riders. At the top; Britta Johansson Norgren, who has won the overall long-running cup for the past four years.

- Britta himself is not the one who emphasizes himself. But I would probably say that it is unlikely that we will get such a great skier again, David Nilsson, CEO of Ski Classics, told SVT Sport earlier today.

She sees this award as a receipt and as a carrot.

- I really appreciate this. It is always very fun and it gives motivation. For me, my accomplishments and results in the ski track mean the most, but it's the basis for this. All the awards you can get afterwards are proof that you have done something good. It can be good to remind yourself sometimes.

"You can't go out and exercise on Christmas Eve"

Johansson Norgren is 36 years old and the best of all time in the long race. So far, she has had a long and successful career and this is the way forward that has taken her to the top.

- There are many different factors to the latest success. My career has been very long going up and down, which has made me learn a lot on the road. It requires a lot and it is necessary to adapt life. In the past you could think that "you can't go out and exercise on Christmas Eve". But you don't think about it anymore because it has become a lifestyle.

She had thoughts of retiring after last year's season. But with victory in the long-race cup and Vasaloppet, she thought about it and felt that she was not finished.

- Actually, I go far in overtime. I thought I would have left a long time ago. I take one year at a time and I have done that in recent years. At the end of last season, I didn't feel ready to quit even though I was thinking of quitting. That is how it will be at the end of this season as well, Do I have motivation to make training even better? The day I feel that I will not be able to get better, I will quit.

"Hope it goes far"

How do you look at your form and your chances this winter?

- It is always difficult to compare with others when you do not know how they have worked. But I feel I have done a good job and hope it will go a long way, hopefully right from the start.

She also thinks that interest in long-distance running has grown recently.

- It is growing incredibly. I thought it grew a lot last year and I feel that it has grown even more this year. There is an incredible interest in long distance running, you notice it when you are out.

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