Teller Report

“Best Zhenya rental this year”: what they said after Medvedeva won the short program at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow

11/15/2019, 9:01:36 PM

Hiring Yevgenia Medvedeva in the short program at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow was her best in 2019. This was announced after the victory of the 20-year-old skater with a personal record by the famous trainer Tatyana Tarasova. The athlete herself admitted that it was especially difficult for her to perform at home, and told how old she intended to compete. In turn, the remaining second Alexandra Trusova complained about the fall at the very beginning of the program and appreciated the good atmosphere in the stadium.

“Three years ago I couldn’t imagine what my life would be like”

The short program in the women's competition at the Grand Prix stage in Moscow brought the fans a real surprise. The figure skating fans gathered at the Megasport arena were waiting for another victory from 15-year-old Alexandra Trusova, but as a result the young athlete remained second.

Evgeny Medvedev, who reminded of herself, broke out into first place. The Olympic medalist not only outstripped the young rival by more than two points and took the lead, but also set a new personal record in the short program (76.93 points).

“Naturally, I'm glad. It is exciting for me to speak at home, whether it be the Grand Prix stage, the European or Russian championships. At home, I always feel a little different. Nervous, but managed and happy, the trainers are happy. I completed the task for today, ”Medvedev rejoiced.

She also admitted that today is in the best shape for the entire period of work in the group of Brian Orser.

“I’m doing everything as qualitatively as possible, but not as much as in my 15 years. Then everything turned around quickly and well. I don’t agree with the stories about puberty and age, but I must admit that now it’s harder to jump than before, and at 29 years old it will be even more difficult than now. The head thinks differently, the body feels differently, nothing can be solved in the old ways. I do things differently before going out onto the ice. I used to turn myself on, now I’m calming it, ”Medvedev added.

At the same time, the skater emphasized that she was ready to ride until she was 38 years old, “if the body and mind allow”.

“Three years ago, I had no idea what my life would be like. I did not know where I would be on the eve of the 20th anniversary of what I would do. I could not imagine that I would be in Canada. Now I try to do everything that depends on me, because of my health, ”the skater said.

Finally, she explained why she replaced the triple Lutz with a Rittberger in the short program.

“I think everyone saw the reason. For stability. If Lutz was done well, then there would still be mistakes. We decided it was better to return to the Rittberger. And when we do this, the points become different, ”summed up Medvedev.

“Zhenya is on the right track”

In turn, Orser admitted that he was very happy for the ward. He emphasized that this time Eugene was absolutely calm, and she was rewarded for working in training.

“At the Grand Prix stage in Canada, after a short program, it was hard for her, but then she clearly showed herself in an arbitrary, and deserved today's rental. I’m sure Zhenya is on the right track. Now you need to get together for an arbitrary program, she needs to perform even better than in Canada. She needs to fight. This is what I told her today - you have to fight, ”the Canadian added.

A well-known trainer Tatyana Tarasova live on Channel One called this rental the best for Medvedeva this year.

“Very clean, I did everything. Orser breathed like that, and we breathed with him too. We want her to restore everything, not to be afraid, not to fall. She is committed to this. She is an example for anyone who wants to do figure skating happily ever after. It’s a pity that he doesn’t fight, hard work to get to the Grand Prix finals. But this is not a dream. Great program. The hall breathes with her in unison, such silence in the hall, thank you very much. Such a folk love, she feels great support and energy. They love her very much, ”Tarasova said.

“I don’t know why she fell at the beginning of the rental”

In turn, the remaining second Trusova could only try to explain the reason for the local failure. However, in Canada, after a short program, she was third at all, but as a result she won.

“The excitement was present, but no more than in other competitions. After world records in Canada, nothing has changed in this regard, because I do not read what they write on the Internet. Previously, I rode on Megasport only at demonstrations at the European Championships, but at competitions here I had the opportunity to go on ice for the first time. It’s very nice to ride in such an atmosphere, ”said Trusova.

She also told about the fall, which she made at the very beginning of the rental, and even found the pluses in what happened.

“I don’t know why it happened. But because of this, part of the excitement was gone, it became easy and pleasant for me to ride. FFKKR proposal to allow quadruples in a short program? Very good news, ”summed up the results of Trusov.

At the same time, she did not do without changes in the short program. In a cascade with a triple lutz, Alexandra performed a sheepskin coat, not a rittberger.

“Today in training, I rode with a cascade with a Rittberger, and then they told me that I need to make a cascade of lutz - sheepskin,” Trusova explained.

Finally, another Russian woman, Stanislava Konstantinova, performed unsuccessfully and finished in 11th place.

“I am disappointed because I was sure that I was ready to perform well, in training I showed it. I hope in a free program I will prove that I work, and not sit and relax. It's a shame again to fly to the end, the failure of the combined rotation is not at all the mistake that can be made. Tomorrow I will fight to prove that all this is a misunderstanding, ”the skater promised.

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