Teller Report

Human hair pigeons lose their fingers in France

11/14/2019, 11:28:41 AM

Scientists from the National Museum of Natural History and the University of Lyon have long believed that the cause of these abnormalities was the loss of legs or fingers in the pigeons, according to a new study. Kind of

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Having a haircut could be the reason for the loss of pigeons to his legs or fingers in France, according to a new study.

Scientists from the National Museum of Natural History and the University of Lyon have long believed that the cause of these abnormalities is a kind of disease, infection, or reaction to a chemical contaminant.

The researchers found that volatile hair intertwined with the feet and toes of the pigeons, a phenomenon called "tendons," which leads to loss of limbs.

Scientists linked the occurrence of this phenomenon to hairdressers and hair volatile as a result of the frequent cases of pigeons who lost limbs in those areas.

The team suggested increasing greenery in an attempt to reduce this phenomenon.