Teller Report

Coming Evo Morales

11/14/2019, 4:22:53 PM

“It turns out that the Bolivian opposition, with the support of the military and police, staged a coup in American interests. Not now, so after some time the Yankees will take their own. And so that everything goes smoothly, Agnes is going to ban Morales from participating in the upcoming elections. Not very democratic, but when Uncle Sam supports you, you can. It seems that the ex-president of Bolivia was too honest, too idealistic, when he left his post to prevent a civil war. It was necessary in a different way: to live with wolves - howl like a wolf. ”

What the Yankees did not succeed in Venezuela happened in Bolivia. “The coup d'etat that caused the death of my Bolivian brothers is a political and economic conspiracy coming from the United States,” said Evo Morales, who is in Mexico. He condemned the Trump administration’s decision to recognize the “self-proclaimed government with the complicity of the police and the armed forces” and drew a direct parallel with Venezuela. “After Guaido was imposed, they proclaim Agnes,” said the ex-president of Bolivia.

Morales's words sounded like an answer to US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, who congratulated the dyed Indian-born blonde Janine Agnes on the interim presidency and promised to work with her in the speedy preparation of new, “free and fair” elections. The same Pompeo who energetically supported the attempted coup of Guaido in Venezuela last spring. And he frankly boasted the other day that America had armed Bandera in Kiev so that "Ukrainians fought with the Russians." The State Department’s political patterns are as simple as a shovel.

Proof of? Please ... The transcripts of the putschists' conversations with the US embassy and US senators have just been published, when preparations for a coup d'etat were discussed. American senators Marco Rubio, Bob Menendez and Ted Cruz are mentioned, who pledged to promote economic sanctions against Bolivia if Morales still remains in power. Another record mentions the support that the Bolivian opposition received from the Brazilian government through a trusted representative of President Bolsonaru.

It is not surprising that in such a precarious situation, the usurper Agnes hurried to fix her victory. So, supporters of Morales, who have a majority in parliament, were simply not allowed to attend its meeting, and the Constitutional Court hastily ruled that parliament’s approval of the change of government was not even required. A new cabinet was immediately formed and sworn in. In total, 11 of the 20 ministerial positions were replaced. First of all, the security forces.

Venezuelan loser Guaido predictably supported Agnes’s claim to power the very first. Does one American puppet accurately sense another? Exactly. In addition to the Venezuelan opposition, Agnes recognized Brazil, where the right-wing politician and Trump fan Jair Bolsonaru serves as president. Putin, who is now in Brazil at the BRICS summit, has to take this fact into account. Among others, Washington sang along with the Bolivian theme - Colombia, from whose territory it was planned to begin the intervention in Venezuela, and Great Britain. No one else.

Morales also has intercessors on the continent. The most unconditional of them, of course, is the official Caracas, itself experiencing the delights of pressure from Washington. “Venezuela condemns the usurpation of power in Bolivia and calls on the international community to help restore constitutional order,” the republic’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement. Cuba, Argentina, Nicaragua and Mexico have similar positions. The latter, giving Morales political asylum, may have saved his life.

A simple listing of the countries that are pro and contra to the change of power that happened in Bolivia unmistakably marks it as a right-wing coup. It is not uncommon for Latin America, which for more than a century has been the scene of a struggle between two political extremes.

And although Russian experts point out that individuals, not doctrines, are fighting in Bolivia, and Agnes is almost the same socialist as Morales, to correctly assess the situation, one should look beyond the horizon of current events. Having plucked the rebellious Morales, replacing him with Agnes, the coup interest created the conditions for the coming of an openly right-wing politician.

And the “right” in the realities of Latin America means not so much an ideological and economic vector as a geopolitical - pro-American one. This is the main thing. No wonder the Organization of American States was actively involved in the operation to overthrow Morales - the driving belt of Washington’s policy on the American continent in accordance with the notorious Monroe Doctrine. “Unfortunately, the OAS joined this coup. I advise the new politicians of Latin America: be careful with the OAS, ”Morales warned colleagues in the profession.

By the way, the leftism of the Morales regime did not resemble anything, for example, the leftism of the Maduro regime in Venezuela. There was no shortage of toilet paper and similar “horrors”. On the contrary, the economic policies of Morales were extremely successful. Over the 14 years of his stay in power, he has achieved explosive growth in GDP - at times. The mass poverty was eliminated in the country, the middle class appeared. A paradox, but the latter circumstance became fatal. The born bourgeoisie, wealthy inhabitants wanted their share of power. As in Russia?

Another reason for dissatisfaction with Morales may be related to lithium mining. In Bolivia, up to 70% of the world's reserves of this metal are concentrated in the Uyuni salt marsh. It is easy to guess that in the era of smartphones powered by lithium batteries and the rapidly growing production of electric vehicles, this rare metal becomes literally a strategic raw material. The world's largest consumer of lithium is the American corporation Tesla Ilona Mask. When it comes to hard currency, is an innovative innovation guru an ordinary predator? It seems like that.

It turns out that the Bolivian opposition, with the support of the military and police, staged a coup in American interests. Not now, so after some time the Yankees will take their own. And so that everything goes smoothly, Agnes is going to ban Morales from participating in the upcoming elections. Not very democratic, but when Uncle Sam supports you, you can. It seems that the ex-president of Bolivia was too honest, too idealistic, when he left his post to prevent a civil war. It was necessary in a different way: to live with wolves - howl like a wolf.

However, Morales is too early to discount. He has already started talking about a possible return to Bolivia. The forces to which the ex-president appealed for support are very powerful: UN, Pope Francis ... A good company. Only Russia is lacking. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already taken the first step - it declared respect for the position of Mexico, which provided Morales with political asylum. What will be the next steps of our country, we will soon find out. The geopolitical confrontation on the planet leaves Russia no choice.

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.