Teller Report

Cervantes Award 2019: Joan Margarit, Catalan as the mother tongue and Spanish as the language of life

11/14/2019, 1:16:47 PM

The Catalan poet Joan Margarit (Sanahúja, Lleida, 1938) has received the Cervantes Prize for Literature in Spanish Language for 2019. This was announced on Thursday and

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The Catalan poet Joan Margarit (Sanahúja, Lleida, 1938) has received the Cervantes Prize for Literature in Spanish Language for 2019. This was announced on Thursday by the Minister of Culture and Sports, José Guirao.

Joan Margarit is one of the angles of poetry in Catalan . And one of the most read poets in Spanish. That bifrontality has always been the way back and forth of his writing. Catalan as the mother tongue and Spanish as the language of life. Architect and Professor of Structure at the University of Barcelona, ​​his writing is of illuminating clarity.

The highest award of the Castilian letters, endowed with 125,000 euros, recognized in 2018 the Uruguayan poet, translator, essayist, teacher and literary critic Ida Vitale , who in his speech before the Kings praised Cervantes as "the first allegorist of ethics modern "and said:" I still congratulate myself for being more interested in adventures, in the language in which they were told to me. "

Vitale was the winner of the Cervantes Prize for Nicaragua's Sergio Ramírez Mercado (2017), the Spanish Eduardo Mendoza (2016), the Mexican Fernando del Paso (2015) and the Spanish Juan Goytisolo (2014), the Mexican Elena Poniatowska (2013) and the Spanish José Manuel Caballero Bonald (2012).

This year the National Awards convened by the Ministry of Culture and Sports have already recognized Bernardo Atxaga with the National Prize for Spanish Letters "for his fundamental contribution to modernization and the international projection of the Basque and Spanish languages, through a narrative impregnated with poetry in which he has brilliantly combined reality and fiction. "

On the other hand, the National Narrative Prize 2019 has fallen to the novel 'Easy Reading' by Cristina Morales for being "a radical and radically original proposal, which does not have a genealogy in Spanish literature," according to the jury.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Jose Guirao
  • literature
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