Teller Report

What do yawns have to do with sex?

11/13/2019, 11:33:53 AM

They are unpredictable, uncontrollable and highly contagious. It is very likely that the mere fact of having read the word yawn in the headline or of having contemplated the image that illustrated

They are unpredictable, uncontrollable and highly contagious. It is very probable that the mere fact of having read the word yawn in the headline or of having contemplated the image that illustrates this news has already made you open the jaws as if you had mutated in the mythical lion of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer.

It is estimated that we yawn an average of 240,000 times throughout life . Few involuntary movements are more uncontrollable and inopportune than yawning. They, by themselves, are capable of ruining a romantic date or leaving us in evidence unmasking a boredom fruitlessly disguised as a deep professional interest. Worst of all, the more effort is put into concealing them, the more obvious they become (those watery eyes, those strangely funny grimaces, etc).


Immediate cooling system of the brain, called attention to the lack of rest, mechanism to empathize with the neighbor, self-regulator of stress ... Curiously, the origin of this 'gesture' so daily remains, today, one of the great mysteries of humanity. "The specific cause for which we yawn is not entirely clear. There are multiple hypotheses and investigations that attempt to elucidate it," reveals Sonia Montilla Izquierdo, clinical neurophysiologist at Sanitas La Moraleja University Hospital (Madrid).

To try to shed some light on this issue, it is important to know " the location of the areas of our body that are involved in its production, " says Dr. Montilla Izquierdo. "In addition to the areas of the face and neck, it should be clarified that, in the central nervous system, the related centers appear to be in the hypothalamus and spinal bulb . The vital functions that occur at these points could justify some of the theories about it, "he adds.

If one takes into account that "functions such as hunger, sleep and sexual behavior " are regulated in the hypothalamus, it is reasonable to think that one yawns when one is hungry, sleepy and could even be related to the empathy that is exercised between individuals of different sex. "

This doctor explains that in the brain stem there is also "a system called reticular formation related to the secretion of brain substances (neurotransmitters) involved in the sleep cycle . So, when we need to sleep, the reflex starts of yawning. "

In this same region are also the centers that regulate cardiorespiratory function. "There are hypotheses that argue that yawning reflexively to increase the oxygen that reaches all tissues and to relax facial muscles ."

Why are they so contagious? For pure empathy. "In some animals it has been observed how yawning influences the relationships between different individuals of the same species , a fact that could also occur in humans since it is common that when a yawning person also does what is next." Moreover, this 'virus' spreads more easily among friends and family than simply known.

Although it may seem quite the opposite, yawning can be a sign (somewhat confusing, the truth) that we want to have sex . And, in doing so, a storm of dopamine, oxytocin and serotonin is triggered that revolutionizes sex hormones.


But there is still more. "Precursor sign of headache, is related to multiple medical pathologies , especially neurological diseases , such as migraine, pseudobulbar syndrome or motor neuron disease. Also in diseases that alter communication between the cerebral cortex and the spinal bulb, located in the brainstem ", details Dr. Montilla Izquierdo.

Associated with other symptoms, yawning may indicate "a spinal cord or brainstem compression, as well as dizziness."

Exciting, right? So why are you still yawning?

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