Teller Report

University student 1 kilometer dragged dead Man arrested and switched to murder

11/13/2019, 11:36:53 AM

In January, a car crashed into a motorcycle in Urayasu, Chiba, and a university student who was riding a motorcycle was dragged over a kilometer and died.

University student 1 kilogram dragged death Arrested man Switched to murder Indictment November 13 20:34

In January, a car crashed into a motorcycle in Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture, and a university student who was riding a motorcycle was dragged over a kilometer and died, and the prosecutor's office was arrested on the suspicion of lethal driving. I was charged with switching to murder.

The indictment was unemployed by Kenichi Naito (50) in Edogawa-ku, Tokyo.

According to the indictment, Defendant Naito, in January, drank alcohol on the national road in Urayasu, drove a mini passenger car, crashed into a motorcycle on which an 18-year-old college student was riding, and dragged him over 1.4 km. As a crime, such as murder and running away.

He was initially arrested on the suspicion of lethal driving and running away, but was released on hold and the Chiba District Public Prosecutor's Office continued voluntary investigations.

As a result, he recognized that he was dragging people, and decided that he was willing to kill, so he switched to murder and charged him on the 13th.

Father of college student who died "I want you to return son"

The father of the college student who died said, “No way, I didn't think I would have a funeral for my son. It was good that I was charged with murder, but I would like you to change my son without any apologies. The feeling of not changing does not change. "