Teller Report

Softbank Kudo Director Matsuri Matsutaro Award 4th in line with King

11/13/2019, 9:28:27 AM

Director Softbank Kudoyasu Kudo, who won Japan's best for three years in a row for the “Makoto Matsutaro Award” given to those who have contributed the most to professional baseball for two years ...

Softbank Kudo Director Matsuro Matsuri Award Max 4th in line with King Wang November 13th 18:02

Director Softbank Kudoyasu Kudo, who won Japan's best for the third consecutive year, was selected for the second consecutive year for the “Makoto Matsutaro Award” given to those who have contributed most to professional baseball. Director Kudo is the fourth award.

The Matsuro Matsuriki Award is presented to the directors and players who contributed most to professional baseball every year in honor of the late Matsutaro Masariki who worked hard to create and develop professional baseball.

A selection committee meeting was held in Tokyo on the 13th, and Kudo, the director of Softbank who won the climax and Japan series from the 2nd place in the Pacific League and won the top three in Japan for the third consecutive year. It was

The selection committee was praised for its proficiency as a commander, including the active recruitment of young players such as athletes from the upbringing and Rookie pitcher Kaoru Kai, and the use of data to demonstrate strength in a short-term battle.

Director Kudo received this award as a Seibu pitcher in 1987 and four years ago as a director of Softbank, and was the fourth time to be the fourth to be awarded to Sadaharu Wang.

In addition, candidates for the award include the names of the director Giant Tokunori Hara who won the Se League and the director of Seibu who won the Pacific League for the second consecutive year.

Mr. Wang, who served as the chairman, said, “Kudo had a great ability to make a decision, such as taking a break from the veteran.

Currently, this award is targeted at managers, players, coaches, etc., but the selection committee requested that the secretariat review the scope of coverage because an opinion such as a team was added. Decided to do.