Teller Report

OM-OL: Marseille is surprised that the referee has communicated on his mistake

11/13/2019, 3:27:42 PM

OM surprised Wednesday's "attitude for the least unusual" of the National Directorate of Arbitration, after comments by its technical director about the meeting of Ligue 1 won against Lyon (2-1) on Sunday. Pascal Garibian admitted that Dimitri Payet's penalty kick should have been canceled.

The OM was surprised Wednesday "of an attitude at least unusual" of the National Direction of the arbitration, after remarks of its technical director concerning the meeting of Ligue 1 won against Lyon (2-1), Sunday. Pascal Garibian admitted that Dimitri Payet's penalty "should have been canceled".

Olympique de Marseille was surprised Wednesday in a statement that the National Directorate of Arbitration (DNA) has publicly raised a mistake in favor of OM in the match won against Lyon last Sunday (2-1) .

The club "is surprised that the DNA has taken public positions against an arbitration decision 48 hours after (the) meeting," wrote OM. "This attitude, to say the least unusual, was taken over by the Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas, who is also a member of the executive committee of the French Football Federation, the body on which the DNA depends," the club added in its statement.

A hand before the hand

The penalty awarded to Marseille, which allowed Dimitri Payet to open the scoring, should have been canceled, admitted Tuesday Pascal Garibian, technical director of the referee, because the Marseillan Morgan Sanson had committed according to him a fault of hand offensive before that of Lyonnais Thiago Mendes. Information that had immediately reacted to Jean-Michel Aulas on Twitter: "Garibian acknowledges that the penalty OM should not have been whistled (...) why the press obscures this rare fact". OM's statement recalls that the Lyon leader had also "blasted the errors of the VAR and the insurrectional climate" and called Marseilles a "lawless" city.

"Exemplary behavior" of Marseilles fans

If the bus stop Lyon before the match "is an unjustifiable act that dishonors its authors and must be denounced with the utmost firmness, talk about insurrectional climate is irresponsible," added the OM, highlighting the "behavior exemplary of the vast majority of our supporters ". "Beyond the excesses", OM emphasizes that "the referee remains a man, to whom it happens to be wrong (including in favor of Lyon ... because it happened!)", Transparent reference to decisions to the detriment of OM in previous "Olimpicos".