Teller Report

Karpin spoke about the difficult financial situation in Rostov

11/13/2019, 3:57:53 PM

Rostov head coach Valery Karpin commented on the situation around the club’s financial problems.

“Everything is complicated, very. I hope that now those who can read between the lines will remember my words in response to questions about the champion race, about the Europa League, about the Cup of Russia. Debts to the salary team are three months. And this is not the first time this has happened, ”Karpin quoted Sport-Express as saying.

He noted that he was grateful to the players that, despite this situation, they put up with and continue to work.

“Fighting for something serious in this state of affairs is difficult. How will it end? It depends on the answer to the question of who needs the Rostov club - and whether it is needed at all and in what format. This is the main thing, ”the specialist concluded.

According to the results of 16 rounds of the Russian Premier League, “Rostov” takes third place in the standings, gaining 30 points.

Earlier it was reported that Karpin could leave Rostov along with six main players.