Teller Report

July Senate Selection 1 vote “Constitution” Fukuoka High Court Naha Branch

11/13/2019, 8:51:47 AM

In the Upper House election in July, the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court said that the so-called one-table disparity was tripled at maximum.

July Senate Selection 1 vote “Constitution” Fukuoka High Court Naha Branch November 13th 17:43

However, in the Upper House election in July, the so-called one-table inequality was up to three times, and the Naha branch of the Fukuoka High Court said that “it was not in a state of extreme inequality that caused unconstitutional problems”. He gave a sentence that he would not violate the constitution.

In the House of Councilors election in July, there is a maximum difference of 3.002 times in the number of voters per member of the constituency, and lawyers and other groups are elected as "violating the voting value equality and violating the constitution" An appeal was filed all over the country calling for invalidation.

Of these, a ruling on the Okinawa constituency was handed down by the Fukuoka High Court Naha Branch on the 13th. Judge Masamichi Okubo pointed out that "last year's revision of the Public Office Election Law is intended to correct the gap and shows the direction and future attitude of future studies."

On top of that, he declared that he would not violate the Constitution, saying that “the degree of inequality reduction was slight, but the imbalance in voting value could not be said to be a significant inequality that caused unconstitutional problems”.

The disparity of one vote in the House of Councilors election was 3.08 times at the maximum in the previous three-year election, but in this election, correction was made to increase the number of elected seats in Saitama constituency, and the difference was 3.002 times at most. It was.

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