Teller Report

Daniel Ståhl and Christian Taylor meet in Monaco - in the fight against the IAAF

11/13/2019, 5:57:42 PM

Daniel Ståhl and three-step jumper Christian Taylor are jointly fighting against the International Athletics Association, IAAF, to compete in the Diamond League. Next week, the world stars will meet in a first meeting. - The process is underway - I'm happy with it, says Ståhl's coach Vesteinn Hafsteinsson to SVT Sport.

Last week, three-step star Christian Taylor started a new trade union for athletes to protest the removal of several branches in Diamond League 2020.

On the same day, the Global Throwing organization, orchestrated by Daniel Ståhl and his coach Vesteinn Hafsteinsson, launched an uprising against the International Athletics Association, IAAF, by sending a protest letter to them with several solution points.

The answer, which SVT Sport was able to find out, is signed by the International Athletics Association's CEO Jon Ridgeon. He explains the decision to delete several branches from DL because they want to produce a product that viewers and audiences want.

"Uninteresting response"

Ridgeon then concludes by announcing that he believes the practitioners should be at the center of decision making and that IAAF has therefore now appointed two athletes as full members of the IAAF Board as of November, and that the organization has now arranged a meeting with a representative from Global Throwing.

- We got a pretty uninteresting response from them (IAAF). We have not yet received an answer to our solutions that we wrote in October, we will not get an answer to that. But there are some positive things, such as saying that they should put athletes at the table now and that we have at least got an answer. We didn't get that in October, says Hafsteinsson to SVT Sport.

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No discussion in Diamond League 2020 Photo: Photo Agency

Meet on the gal

Hafsteinsson also reports that Christian Taylor has contacted Daniel Ståhl, and that the duo will now meet at the World Athletics Awards in Monaco on November 23. Taylor wants to join the Swede in his newly formed union.

- November 23, Shaun Pickering (former bullet trainer who is now coach and TV commentator) and Daniel Ståhl go to Monaco to meet Christian Taylor and Athlete's commission members - the active committee - who have asked for it. They have said that they have not been listened to, so we have a lot of support there.

- IAAF has contacted us and they have already booked a meeting with Shaun, who is our spokesperson from now on. He takes over running this process from me now that Daniel and I simply have to train. He is paid by my company to run this and it looks good. Shaun has met with IAAF and Jon Ridgeon. They (IAAF) have said that they put two athletes at the table now. Daniel Ståhl and Christian Taylor are in contact, so the process is underway. I'm happy with that, Hafsteinsson concludes.

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Why is Daniel Ståhl the best in the world?