Teller Report

Crimea and Rome

11/13/2019, 3:27:47 PM

“There is something to show the guests. Over the past five years in their native harbor, not only a super bridge connected the peninsula with a mainland named Russia. Here, modern roads appeared, and the entire infrastructure, and communications, and new hotels, and enterprises. These "demons of Ukraine", having received "hapok" in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in 1991, the pearl of the Russian crown, did nothing for a quarter of a century for the development of the peninsula. Moreover, realizing and remembering that they took someone else’s and they will have to give, they squeezed as much as they could, quietly hating not only Russians, most of them living in historical Crimea, but also Crimean Tatars, Armenians, and other Crimeans. ”

In the native Crimea it is always good, at any time of the year, except for those moments that were overshadowed by Ukrainian jurisdiction. Crimean half-lives experienced the half-life of the great Soviet country! And it is not surprising that at the first real opportunity, Crimea returned to its native harbor, to Russia.

This is all, as a revelation, more and more foreign parliamentarians will find out, while at the level of public diplomacy they are actively visiting Russian Crimea. Journalists, experts, politicians from around the world want to understand for themselves, touch their hands, breathe in the Crimean air, talk with the inhabitants of the Russian peninsula, who bravely and contrary to the will of the country returned to Russia.

The other day a large delegation of journalists from Serbia, Italy, Slovakia, Great Britain, France, Portugal, India, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, South Africa, Congo, Kenya arrived in Crimea. More than 20 leading national media from different continents.

During the visit, international journalists will visit various regions of the Crimea, communicate with the population and meet with the leadership of the peninsula. Great story. People in different countries are interested in how the Russian Crimea lives.

And there is something to show the guests. Over the past five years in their native harbor, not only a super bridge connected the peninsula with a mainland named Russia. Here, modern roads appeared, and the entire infrastructure, and communications, and new hotels, and enterprises.

These "demons of Ukraine", having received "hapok" in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in 1991, the pearl of the Russian crown, did nothing for a quarter of a century for the development of the peninsula. Moreover, realizing and remembering that they had to take something else and have to give it back, they squeezed as much as they could, quietly hating not only Russians, most of them living in historical Crimea, but also Crimean Tatars, Armenians and other Crimeans.

It is important to separately note the current situation of the indigenous peoples of Crimea. Crimean Tatars do not remember such self-care since the time of Khan Girey! Do not believe? Go to the Crimea and ask! I have the right to say so. I was born in Crimea. This is my small homeland.

I remember how in March 2014 European observers, deputies of national parliaments, deputies of the European Parliament arrived at the Crimean referendum. Then the coordinator of this group was a well-known Polish politician and scientist, deputy of the Sejm of the fifth convocation Mateusz Piskorski. Then for these European politicians it was not just a challenge to the European bureaucrats and their Washington roof.

They made a kind of feat for the sake of truth and for the sake of true European values, fixing the justice and transparency of the referendum.

I am proud of friendship with these brave people. Incidentally, Piskorsky later spent three years in prison in Poland for this, in a cross-linked case on charges of spying for Russia and China. The case is still ongoing, but the court released Mateusz on bail this spring due to the absurdity of the charges. Such is the revenge of the Euro-Atlanticists.

I remember how in May 2015 the chairman of the State Duma committee on international affairs Leonid Slutsky managed to persuade me to see the Crimea with my own eyes and to communicate with happy people a large delegation of French senators. And despite the resistance of the political authorities of the Fifth Republic, French senators flew into the Russian Crimea. Then Senator Thierry Mariani made a fiery speech at the French military cemetery near Sevastopol.

Since then, more and more parliamentarians from different countries visit our Crimea every year through inter-parliamentary relations.

Of course, Russia, in general, does not care about the refusal of some countries to officially recognize the reality of Russian jurisdiction in Crimea. But anyway. Our guests are always welcome. Moreover, today's Russian Crimea is one of the most investment-attractive growth areas for many investors in the world.

And of course, because of the opportunistic stupidity of some politicians, capitalists do not want to lose their profits. And in general, it doesn’t matter who officially recognizes Crimea as the Russian region faster - Israel or Turkey. It is important that the next day there will be a line. And when the Ukrainian parody of the state finally collapses, many countries will fight for investment contracts in the Crimea.

In today's regime of non-recognition, I know dozens of businesses with the participation of European and other Western entrepreneurs in Crimea. Business is a risky business. Who risks more, in the end he gets everything.

In the meantime, journalists, experts, and politicians are visiting Crimea in the genre of public diplomacy. In the past holiday season, not only almost 6 million Russian citizens visited Crimea on vacation, but also several thousand tourists from around the world. Including from Europe and the USA. Such is the "isolation".

The author’s point of view may not coincide with the position of the publisher.