Teller Report

Christian Prudhomme: "Looking at Poulidor, we can immerse ourselves in his own life"

11/13/2019, 12:36:59 PM

Guest of the mid-day newspaper on Europe 1, Tour de France boss Christian Prudhomme spoke of "his great sadness". the announcement of the death of Raymond Poulidor. As a paradox, on July 9, the Great Loop will pass in his village & nbsp; Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat.

Invited mid-day newspaper on Europe 1, the head of the Tour de France Christian Prudhomme spoke of "his great sadness" to the announcement of the death of Raymond Poulidor. As a paradox, on July 9, the Great Loop will pass in his village of Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat.


Christian Prudhomme had prepared for the disappearance of Raymond Poulidor. One of the girls of the great cycling champion, Isabelle, had called him on Saturday morning. "She had let me know that there was no hope, it was a matter of days," tells Europe 1 the boss of the Tour de France, who feels "a great sadness" after the announces the disappearance on Wednesday of the "eternal second" of the Great Loop, at the age of 83 years. Poupou was "a monument of the Tour de France, cycling, sport", according to Christian Prudhomme. "We talk about Poulidor politics, even Poulidor Goncourt.His name has passed into everyday life.

Signs "Poupou come back!"

The one who had known everything about the Tour de France, "except the Yellow Jersey", says Christian Prudhomme, remembers the incredible popularity that still enjoyed Raymond Poulidor. During the last Tour de France, when the cyclist stopped his professional career in 1977, "there were still signs 'Go Poupou!', 'Poupou come back!'" Tells the director of the Great Loop, which explains this incredible longevity "to his victories, the fact that he never had the Yellow Jersey of course, but also to his good nature". "Every year, there was at least one book about Raymond Poulidor coming out, and he signed it by looking people in the eye, talking to them, having a word for everyone," remembers Christian Prudhomme.

Unfortunate Eternal on the Tour

Record holder of the podiums on the Tour de France (eight), Raymond Poulidor had his lot of bad luck on the Great Loop. As on this day of 1968, while the final victory seems more than ever within reach. "Between the Anquetil generation and the Merckx generation, we say that he will win, and he is mown by a motorcycle that sends to the ground," said Christian Prudhomme. "He has a broken nose and the next day he does not leave, it's destiny."

Opponent of the greatest champions, Raymond Poulidor still kept a laughing eye on his career. The former journalist admits to having discovered that he had "a lot of humor" by rubbing shoulders with him. Raymond Poulidor was still a hit during the presentation of the Tour de France 2019 at the Palais des Congres in Paris. "It was the centenary of the yellow jersey, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault and Miguel Indurain, who each won five rounds of France were there," recalls Christian Prudhomme. Raymond had spoken and said to us four, we won fifteen rounds of France, everyone had laughed and he had the room up, he had it in him.

>> READ ALSO - "Eternal second, but yellow jersey of hearts", you tell us your Poulidor

A nod to fate, the Tour de France will pay tribute to Raymond Poulidor next year, on the occasion of the 12th stage that will link 9 July Chauvigny to Sarran. The peloton will then cross the town of Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, where lived the former cyclist.

"I told myself that we had to organize so that we could be together at home," says Christian Prudhomme. "He will not be here, we will miss him." The boss of the Tour de France already promises "a lot of emotion that day". "I imagine placards will flourish for him."