Teller Report

Bernard Thévenet: "We only heard 'Raymond' or 'Poulidor'"

11/13/2019, 11:21:41 AM

A double winner of the Tour de France in 1975 and 1977, Bernard Thévenet worked alongside Raymond Poulidor in the peloton in the last years of his career at "Poupou". It testifies to the incredible popularity of this legend of the French cycling, disappeared Wednesday at 83 years.

Double winner of the Tour de France in 1975 and 1977, Bernard Thévenet rubbed Raymond Poulidor in the peloton in the last years of career of "Poupou". It testifies to the incredible popularity of this legend of the French cycling, disappeared Wednesday at 83 years.


Bernard Thevenet won twice the Tour de France, in 1975 and 1977. However, his popularity is out of proportion with that of Raymond Poulidor, the eternal second, who has never even worn the yellow jersey. "Poupou" died Wednesday, and disappearance moves beyond the simple fans of cycling.

"Even at the end of his career, he was still immensely popular"

Bernard Thévenet rubbed shoulders with legend during his last years of career, in the 1970s. And he could only note that in terms of popularity, he could never compete with his glorious elder. "We heard that he was heard only Raymond or Poulidor.There were 90% of placards and encouragement dedicated to him," smiles the former consultant of France Televisions. "Even at the end of his career, he was still immensely popular, maybe he was popular because people recognized him."

Popular with the general public, but also within the pack, where tensions are legions. "He had a lot of friends in cycling, and he was very, very often with us on different events," confirms Bernard Thévenet. "He had kept a lot of fervor with the crowds, but he also had a lot of loyal friends around him."

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