Teller Report

Alcohol and drug debut at a young age: Umeå better than the national average

11/13/2019, 8:15:53 PM

Umeå is better than the national average, where everything points to young people making their debut later, including drugs and alcohol. - In Umeå, only a few per cent of the upper secondary school use drugs on a continuous basis, says Seth Åberg, process manager at Umeå municipality, and refers to the survey that was compiled last year.

The survey confirms the national picture - that young people to a lesser extent make their debut as very young. In Umeå, you have been looking at a model in Iceland that you have to some extent noticed. This is to get a more systematic work to prevent abuse in young years.

- If it is only about 50 young people, we can still have the grip, but if there were three in each class instead of as now one in every three would have required completely different efforts and required more resources, says Seth Åberg.

This week, training is held for school leaders as well as other people who work around young people with different types of problems.

- It is important that we do everything to shorten the time so that those who seek help really get it as soon as possible, it can be crucial, he says.