Teller Report

A businessman accidentally pulls his son from the addiction circle

11/13/2019, 10:07:50 PM

Coincidentally, a wealthy businessman discovered that one of his sons still had his foot on the path of drug addiction when the father sought refuge at the International Protection Center, Dubai Police General Directorate of Drug Control, for advice on how to warm up his relationship with his children, which was badly damaged by his constant preoccupation.

Coincidentally, a wealthy businessman discovered that one of his sons still had a foot on the road to drug addiction, when the father sought refuge at the International Protection Center, Dubai Police General Directorate of Drug Control, for advice on how to warm up his relationship with his children, which was badly damaged by his constant work. When the center advised him to approach them more and suggested that he spend a whole day at home to know their daily lifestyle, he was surprised that there are young people with a body disproportionate to his children, they come home to pick up one of his children, and discover that they are bad friends who exploit his son to buy Drug, he quickly resorted to again To the center, and was subjected to the treatment of the child without legal accountability, based on Article 43 of the anti-drug law.

The Director of Hemaya International Center, Colonel Abdullah Al-Khayyat, told Emirates Today that the father resorted to the Center because of his feeling that he is a “guest” in his home, where his busy work and travel created a barrier of ice between him and his children, so they became communicating with him when they needed money only. For his part, tried to remedy the problem with a greater error, the bestow on them money, until the friends were able to lure one of his sons and influence it, and dragged to the drug trap blackmail and exploitation despicable.

He added that, during the day the father spent at his home, he noticed some strange behaviors, such as the isolation of his son for many hours in his room, and his exit with suspicious people, and in follow-up with the Center for Protection International discovered that bad friends are forcing his son to pay the bill of addiction collective, being a member of an affordable family His son is in the early stages of addiction, and he rushed to report the corrupt "paralysis", and take his son to the center to benefit from article 43 of the UAE Drug Law, which exempts the addict from punishment if any of his relatives, whether father, mother, brother and even friends To report it.

Al-Khayyat stressed the need for caution with regard to spending on children, there is no excessive indulgence, nor stingy provoke them, if the children must be directed to provide part of their daily or monthly expenses to buy their requirements, with the provision of simple support from parents if necessary, in order to develop a sense of Their responsibility, accustoming them to depend on themselves, and not relying on others, pointing out that not asking the son for money does not mean that he is free from addiction and crime, perhaps he was making money by illegal means.

Confronting addiction

The Director of Hemaya International Center, Colonel Abdullah Al-Khayyat, stressed that the psychological need of children to spend time with their parents, is much more important than the need for the luxuries of life, spending an hour of dialogue or play daily with them in the home or garden or any other place, doubles their sense of security and safety And self-confidence and pride in the concept of family, and therefore less chances of deviation or response to bad friends, who live without a goal, and seek to drag new people to the quagmire, because of the importance of the role of the family in the face of addiction.

He pointed to the allocation of one of the prizes «protection clip» to create awareness clips in 60 seconds, about the responsibility of parents for their children, and their positive role in protecting children from drugs.