Teller Report

12 recommendations to qualify the «human resources» UAE

11/13/2019, 10:10:01 PM

Participants in the 10-day Education Conference, organized by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, entitled “Education and Future Functions”, concluded yesterday, 12 recommendations and scientific proposals, to qualify the human resources in the UAE through education.

Participants in the 10-day Education Conference, organized by the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research, entitled “Education and Future Functions”, concluded yesterday, 12 recommendations and scientific proposals, to qualify the human resources in the UAE through education.

The final communiqué of the conference recommended the need to continue efforts to develop and strengthen the UAE manpower continuously, in line with the rapid developments witnessed in the world, especially in the fields of knowledge economy, the fourth industrial revolution and artificial intelligence, and the continuous updating of programs and curricula, to ensure that they keep pace with the rapid developments in the fields of the industrial revolution. Artificial Intelligence, with special emphasis on mathematics and science curricula, as well as enhanced coordination and cooperation between education and labor market stakeholders - particularly governments, universities, employment companies and employers For students - in the development of plans for the development of education, and to identify the basic skills required by the labor market in the short and medium term.

The recommendations also included enhancing human capital investment through lifelong education and training, aimed at permanently upgrading manpower skills to adapt to future job requirements, and paying more attention to the development of students' core skills, which help them adapt to future jobs, particularly Skills related to complex problem solving and critical thinking, creativity and innovation, with emphasis on the importance of developing programs and mechanisms that ensure the discovery of students' talents and skills at an early age to invest them properly, and work to rehabilitate teachers, academics and ensure They have the cognitive abilities and skills that help them transfer students' modern knowledge and skills, as well as attention to the social and ethical aspects of the industrial revolution and the applications of artificial intelligence, which can have devastating negative effects for societies, if not exploited and employed.

The recommendations also included attention to vocational and technical education, opening the way for graduates of vocational and technical schools to join universities in specialized fields, increasing the budgets of scientific research, encouraging the private sector to finance various scientific research fields, and promoting long-term investment, especially in the fields of science and engineering, as the engines of creativity and innovation. To build effective academic and educational partnerships with distinguished educational and academic institutions and bodies in the fields of integrating education and technology in education systems at the global level, in addition to working on the challenges To promote employment in the labor market by promoting inclusive employment and including the necessary educational programs and curricula to achieve this goal.

The conference called for benefiting from the experiences, successes and successes achieved by the leading educational systems in the world, such as the education system in Singapore, Canada and Finland, and to learn about the latest educational programs, curricula and modern teaching methods, and work to apply them in the UAE.

For her part, Minister of State in charge of the advanced sciences, Sarah Bint Yousef Al Amiri, stressed during her speech at the conference that education is a fundamental pillar of the centennial plan of the UAE (2071), which aims to make the UAE the best country in the world.

“We need technological development to develop human resources in such a way that their skills are kept abreast of the dramatic changes brought about by the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” she said, pointing out that “the state is working to develop technology by stimulating knowledge to qualify our students for the drastic developments in the world at the technical level. “By developing modern knowledge and employing it in an appropriate way.”

Al Amiri stressed the existence of foundations and pillars necessary for the development of human capital.

She said that «educational reform is an indispensable necessity for the development of education», and «there is special importance for the development of teaching methods used by teachers, so as to become more effective in the transfer of knowledge to students».

4 sessions

Dr. Jamal Sanad Al Suwaidi, Director General of the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR), stressed that the Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) is always keen to keep abreast of developments in various fields. Humanity in the UAE to make it able to fill the jobs of the future, especially in light of the fourth industrial revolution and the development of artificial intelligence and communications technologies and others, to contribute to the requirements of the labor market necessary at this stage.

The two-day conference discussed education and the preparation of Emirati generations to keep pace with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the future functions between aspirations and challenges, higher education and future prospects, in addition to successful international experiences in the field of education.

Sarah Al Amiri:

"we need to

Technological development

To develop resources

Humanity, on

Towards makes her skills

Keep up with what I produced

The Fourth Industrial Revolution

Of amazing changes. ”