Teller Report

National Comic Award for a work on the accident in the Valencia metro in 2006

11/12/2019, 5:21:58 PM

Cristina Durán Costell, Miguel Ángel Giner Bou and Laura Ballester Beneyto have been awarded the National Comic Prize, endowed with 20,000 euros, for the graphic novel The day

Cristina Durán Costell, Miguel Ángel Giner Bou and Laura Ballester Beneyto have been awarded with the National Comic Prize , endowed with 20,000 euros, for the graphic novel On Day 3 , a work that has managed to "chronicle" the accident chronicle of the Valencia metro in 2006.

As reported today by the Ministry of Culture and Sport, this graphic novel published by Astiberri has also managed to reflect this "social drama" with a narrative in which "emotion, graphic excellence and the use of powerful visual metaphors are balanced."

For the realization of the award-winning graphic novel, whose first edition is from 2018, the authors were based on Laura Balleste r's research, reflected in the book Fighting against forgetting , the long road for the victims of the Valencia metro (2015) . Day 3 , as a project, has also won the 2016 Ciutat de Palma de Còmic Premi.

Vignette of 'Day 3'.

Cristina Durán Costell (Valencia, 1970) has a degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Valencia and was an Erasmus scholarship at Middlesex University in London. In his university time he was part of the Crane Team, creator of the No Aparcar Llamo GRUA fanzine. It is part of AC (Comic Book Collective).

Since 1993 he has been professionally dedicated to illustration and comic in his studio, LaGRUAestudio, which he shares with Giner Bou.

For his part, Miguel Ángel Giner Bou (Benetússer, Valencia, 1969) has a degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Carlos de Valencia (UPV) in the specialty of Drawing and obtained a collaboration grant in the subject of Space Representation Systems .

He is also a professor of the Master's Degree in Design and Illustration at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Valencia (UPV) and ESAT (Higher School of Art and Technology); and he is president of the Professional Association of Illustrators of Valencia (APIV).

In 1993 he created, together with Cristina Durán, his own studio, LaGRUAestudio, where he has worked as a screenwriter and illustrator since then.

Finally, Laura Ballester Beneyto , a graduate in Information Sciences, has since 2006 made an exhaustive follow-up of the Valencia metro accident, a job for which she received the Torrent Cultural Ateneu Premi in 2012, the prize of the Turia billboard for the best journalistic contribution in 2014 or the 2016 Freedom of Expression Award from the Patraix Neighbor Association.

He has worked at El Punt, in local radio and television media, in addition to the Paleta d'Ocres cooperative, specializing in environmental, cultural and health issues.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Valencia
  • comic
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