Teller Report

Video .. Clarifications from the "Sports Authority" on the participation of players residing in the country

11/11/2019, 9:55:03 AM

The workshop on evaluating the decision of the participation of the resident players in the local sports competitions organized by the Authority at its headquarters in Dubai on Monday, the continuation of the experiment as it is for the next two seasons to be a comprehensive assessment of the experience after the end of this period, note that the Council

The workshop on evaluating the decision of the participation of resident players in the local sports competitions organized by the Authority in Dubai on Monday, recommended the continuation of the experiment as it is for two seasons to be a comprehensive assessment of the experience after the end of this period, note that the Council of Ministers had been adopted in 2018 The federal law on the participation of four categories in local sports competitions are the children of citizens, holders of the state passport, and the birth of the state, in addition to residents of various nationalities in the sporting activity.

Sherif Al-Awadhi, chairman of the committee formed by the authority to study the evaluation of the participation of resident players, revealed that the workshop discussed the criteria and requirements for the implementation of the decision in an optimal manner. In the State to allow registration in the category of player under 18 years and above 18 years, pointing out that within two weeks will be submitted full recommendations in this regard to the Board of Directors of the General Sports Authority.

Al Awadi said in a press statement, "The workshop held today at the Authority's headquarters in Dubai recommended the continuation of the experience of the participation of the resident player in its current situation with the possibility of a comprehensive evaluation of the experience in the wake of listening to various views by the sports associations, whether collective or individual implementation of this decision."

"It was also agreed on the importance of giving all sports associations sufficient opportunity to assess the implementation of this resolution from all sides," he added.

Sharif Al-Awadhi stressed that there is full agreement by the committee concerned with studying the decision and sports federations to activate this decision and make use of it in the required form from all aspects, social and sports.

The last period witnessed several demands in sports circles to review the decision of the player's participation, especially after the abolition of the requirement of residence in the state for three years.

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